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Virulent (Folie a Deux 1)

Page 23

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“Daddy?” Molls asks, glancing up at me with those wide, innocent eyes of hers. She wants something and I’m more than willing to give it to her—all she has to do is ask.

“Yes, babe?”

“I’m not done yet. With him, I mean,” she says, pushing away from me and retrieving Gigi from where she set it on the coffee table. “I want to do something special with him for you. Is that okay?”

“Of course. You know I love watching you and your Gigi,” I reply with a smile.

Molly leans forward, stealing a quick kiss, before she gets up and goes back to Tobias. I’m assuming that at some point rigor will set in and he’ll be a bitch to dispose of, but I won’t take away any joy Molls could possibly get from playing with him some more.

I lean back, propping my legs up on the sofa, and resting my head on the arm. I decide to give Molly a little privacy to do her work—as much as I can while still being in the same room, anyway, so I turn my eyes toward the ceiling and wait to see what my darling love has up her sleeve.

I can hear the sinew as she tears through it and her grunts of effort as she continues to cut deeper and tear things apart. I’m not entirely sure what she’s up to, though I have a feeling I’ll find out sooner rather than later.

“Almost done!” she calls out cheerfully and I grin.

I still haven’t looked, and I won’t until Sweet Molly tells me it’s okay to. She likes her little surprises even though I sometimes don’t, but I’ll praise whatever it is she’s done this time like it’s the greatest fucking thing in the world, and she’ll be happy.

That’s all that matters to me anymore.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as Molly continues huffing and puffing, tearing and swearing, and wonder if I’ll have enough time to take a nap before she’s done. Fucking her always wears me out because she can be as insatiable as the day is long. Not that I’m complaining—Molly knows how much I love to fuck, and she keeps up with me and beyond for the most part.

A yawn escapes me, and I cover my mouth lazily with my hand as to not bother her. If she senses I’m bored, which I’m not, then she’ll start talking in riddles to get my attention and keep me on my toes. I’m a little too tired to play that little game right now; besides, she seems to be happily chopping away right now and I don’t want to dissuade her.

“All done!” she says, hopping onto my lap unexpectedly and nuzzling her head into my chest.

“Christ, Molls,” I say with a laugh. She’s knocked the wind out of me since I didn’t expect it and as I wrap my arms around her, I have to be careful not to cut myself with her Gigi.

“Look at what I made for you.”

My eyes are still closed, but the feeling of her lips against my bare chest as she tells me it’s finally okay to look at her newly finished madness sends a shiver through my body.

“Mm,” I remark happily as I inhale the sweet berry scent of her hair, then open my eyes and gaze over at Tobias. I sit up immediately, almost tossing Molly off the couch, but I’ve still got a good grip on her, so she doesn’t fall off.

“Do you like it?”

I look at her and she’s grinning at me as she chews her lower lip nervously with wicked intent dancing in her eyes.

“Another one?” I ask her curiously.

“I just like to watch …”

Her voice trails off and I look over at Tobias again. She’s dug a hole into the part of his body where his dick used to be, and I have a feeling I know what she wants from me.

Especially since she “likes to watch.”

I’ve never in my life liked Tobias so this isn’t exactly something I know I would be into. He’s always been a pretentious piece of shit and he’s always assumed himself my better because he finished high school and I didn’t.

I dropped out around senior year because someone had to fucking take care of Molly and he was too busy being the popular football jock to give two shits about his sister’s spiraling mental state.

No one ever understood Molly—not like me and I gave up a lot for her without a second thought. She deserves every good thing in this world and doesn’t know how to get it because of the war inside of her brain; that’s where I come in.

“Please Daddy?” she asks, her lips coming up into a full pout.

“Fuck,” I reply, rolling my eyes and giving her a gentle shove back. Molly happily dismounts me and walks over to sit in the windowsill.

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