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Virulent (Folie a Deux 1)

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Besides these four useless fucks, the place is empty, which will make the reception a breeze. None of them can stop us no matter what they try to say because Jameson already told me that he won’t ask for objections to our union.

As unholy as it may seem, we’re going to have our ceremony, exchange rings, and sign the piece of paper that will make Molls feel complete. Nothing has ever mattered to me as much as Molly does and they’ll finally understand that they pushed us toward each other.

And for that, I’m grateful.

I’ll never tell them, though.

They don’t deserve to share in our happiness, and luckily, they won’t have to for much longer.

A door creaks open in the back of the chapel and I take an involuntary deep breath as the nerves start to sink in. I’m not worried about what we’re doing, nor am I second guessing it, I’m just excited to be able to look her in the eyes for the last time as only my lover and then again for the first time as my wife.

She peeks her head around into the chapel and grins when she sees me waiting at the end of the aisle for her. I run a hand back through my normally wild hair, sleeking it down as much as I can, and then blow out a breath. I don’t think I’ve ever felt a moment in the entire time that we’ve been together as happy as I do right now. I feel proud of us—not that I’m not already, but I could fucking burst at the seams over this path that we’ve chosen to walk down together.

Molly steps out from behind the door and as it slams behind her, she giggles. I chuckle softly and glance over at Jameson, who slaps my shoulder in a friendly way. After spending some time with us, he gets her. He knows this is just how she ticks, and he even told me that I’m one hell of a man for taking on someone like Molls.

Granted, I know a back-handed compliment when I’ve been slapped with one, but it’s not like he’s wrong. Being with Molly comes with a lot of work and patience; I’ve become the man I am today because of loving her as much as I do. I’ve learned to be kind, caring, patient, and even how to calm her monsters when she seems like she’s slipped away for good.

As she begins to make the trek toward me, I slide my hands into my pockets and grin. Hopefully she won’t put on a show of it because I really do want to get this show on the road, but if she does, then I’ll just have to wait until she’s good and ready.

That’s where patience comes in.

Molly almost makes it to me when she stops at the third pew on the left of the chapel and smiles widely at her parents.

“Hi Momma!” she says, completely ignoring Uncle Pete’s presence. I watch cautiously as Aunt Janine gets up from where she’s sitting and slides over her husband to get to Molly.

“Honey? What’s going on? Why are were here?” she asks her softly, placing a hand gently on her arm.

“Don’t touch me,” Molly snaps at her, pulling away violently. She takes a deep breath before her smile returns and she continues to make her way toward the altar, but again, she stops at the first pew on the right of the chapel and smiles at my parents.

“Hi Aunt Rhonda and Uncle Greg!”

They nod at her in their pretentious, snotty fucking way, and she shrugs. The only opinion that’s ever mattered to Molly’s has been mine and I eye my parents dangerously as she turns away from them, finally walking up the three small steps and stopping in front of me.

“Hi Daddy,” she says softly.

Her dress is cherry red; like the stain on her lips, like the blood that flowed from her when I stuck my dick into her for the first time.

She’s wearing her favorite pair of black, leather moto boots that give her an extra inch of height, and as she slides her hands into mine, I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to even be standing here.

Molly could have broken and killed me a thousand and one times, and if she’s ever thought about it, I’ve never been made privileged to that information. She could stick Gigi straight into my fucking heart and my last words would still be I love you.

“Hi baby girl,” I reply, running a hand down the side of the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.

“Well, alright. Let’s do this,” Jameson says as he clears his throat and snaps us back to the moment.

“Do what exactly?” Aunt Janine asks loudly.

Jameson rolls his eyes as we turn to face him, my heart racing knowing that Aunt Janine seems to be the only person in here that has a clue besides us. I’m worried that she’ll try to stop us and make Molly upset. I’m worried about what I’ll do to her if she protests to our union before it’s time for that part of the show.

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