Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 17

Matt’s seat turned out to be beside Monsignor Schneider.

“Are you all right, son? You look a little pale.”

“A little indigestion, sir. I’m afraid I gulped the omelet.”

“If I may have your attention,” a natty, intense-looking man in a dark suit said, waited until everyone was looking at him, and then went on. “I think it might be a good idea if we all knew each other. I’ll start with me. My name is Rogers Kennedy, and I’m a senior vice president of Global Artists Management, heading up GAM’s New York office. Let me say that I’m delighted to be here, and it’s my intention to see that Mr. Colt’s activities here raise just as much money as possible for West Catholic High School, which is really dear to Mr. Colt’s heart, and to see that that’s done in such a manner that Mr. Colt will look back on the experience fondly. To make sure that any bumps in the road, so to speak, are smoothed out beforehand, or that the best possible detour is set up.

“This lovely young lady, who is living proof that there is such a thing as the opposite of the dumb blonde of fame and legend, is Miss Terry Davis, of GAM’s West Coast Division. Vice President Davis has been charged with the hands-on management of Mr. Colt’s visit…”

1005 head gam man is rogers kennedy senior vp from nyc terry davis gam vp from la is hands-on boss

“… and this is Larry Robards,” Rogers Kennedy went on, indicating the young man with the other laptop, “my administrative executive, who takes things down so we don’t forget anything.”

Mr. Robards smiled around the table.

“Administrative executive”? What the hell is that? larry robards is kennedy’s ‘administrative executive’ read male secretary

“Monsignor?” Kennedy asked.

“I’m Monsignor Schneider,” Schneider said, smiling but not standing up. “The archbishop has asked me to handle Stanley’s visit and the fund-raising events…”

Stanley? Is that Stan Colt’s real name-Stanley?

“… and this is Father Venno, who is under my orders to make himself available to Stanley from the moment he gets off the plane until he gets back on,” Monsignor Schneider said.

Venno smiled around the table. mons. schneider representing archbishop father venno his surrogate

… available to colt around the clock while he’s here.

“I’m Lieutenant McGuire,” McGuire said, getting to his feet. “I command the Dignitary Protection Unit. This is Sergeant Al Nevins, who will handle the paperwork. Both of us-all of the Philadelphia police department-are determined to make Stan Colt’s time in Philadelphia, to use your phrase, Mr. Kennedy, as bump-free as possible. Let me assure you that you will have our complete cooperation.”

He sat down. lieut gerry mcguire for dignitary protection

“Thank you, Captain, that’s good to hear,” Kennedy said, and added: “Mr. Colt will have his own security, of course. Wachenhut, I believe, Terry?”

“Wachenhut Security Services, right,” Terry Davis confirmed.

“I’ll have them liaise with you, Lieutenant McGuire, as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir,” McGuire said. wachenhut rent-a-cops

Kennedy looked around the table, and smiled at Matt.

“And this gentleman?”

“My name is Payne, Mr. Kennedy. I’m with Special Operations. ”

“I don’t think I quite understand.”

“We’re going to provide the detectives, and Highway Patrol officers-and just about whatever else Lieutenant McGuire asks for. I’m here to get a preliminary idea of what that might be.”

“You’re with the police department?” Kennedy sounded surprised.

“Yes, sir.”

“Detective Payne, Mr. Kennedy,” Monsignor Schneider said, “if I may put it this way, is one of the finest of Philadelphia’s finest.. ”

Jesus, where did that come from?

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025