Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 34

He dropped to the carpet and picked up the toddler, and tickled her.

She shrieked in delight.

“Matt, you know you’re not supposed to do that with her,” Daffy said.

“She obviously hates it,” Matt said. “What have you got against tickling?”

He nonetheless handed the child to Terry and got up.

“It hyperexcites her,” Daffy said.

“Oh,” Matt said.

The champagne cork popped, and Matt walked

to the wet bar and took a glass, then handed it to Terry.

“Thank you,” she said. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” he said, and turned to Daffy. “Yes, thank you very much, I’d love to.”

“You’d love to what?”

“Stay for supper,” Matt said.

“Would you believe, wiseass, that Chad tried to call you to ask you to supper? He said they said you were out of town, and they didn’t know when you’d be back,” Daffy said.

“I talked to him, but I didn’t know if he could make it,” Chad said. “So I didn’t tell you.”

“Daffy has this terrible habit of offering me up to the ugliest women,” Matt said. “I think they pay her.”

“That’s what I thought she was doing to me when she said someone was coming she really wanted me to meet,” Terry said. “You’re not nearly as ugly as I thought you would be.”

“Then you can’t ask for your money back, can you?”

Terry laughed.

“You really are a bastard, aren’t you?” she asked.

He took a second glass of champagne from Chad, then, making a show of thinking it over carefully, shrugged and handed it to Daffy.

“In these circumstances, I will give you a walk,” he said.

“Which means what?”

“That tonight I will not wring your neck for playing cupid,” Matt said. “Half the police department already knows I’m in love with Terry.”

“Damn you, you’re embarrassing Terry!”

“Are you embarrassed, Terry?” Matt asked.

“I’m still having trouble getting used to the idea that you’re a policeman,” she said. “And that you showed up here. Did you know I was here?”

“Of course. I had you under surveillance from the time you left the Savoy-Plaza. That man in the overcoat who exposed himself to you on Broad Street? One of my better men.”

Terry laughed.

“Baloney!” she said.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025