Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 42

“And when will that be?”

“Whenever you decide, Mr. Mayor.”

“How about…” He checked his calendar. “I’m free from nine-fifteen until ten tomorrow morning.”

“Sir, we have the funds to promote the top twenty-one men on the list immediately. It would be difficult to get all twenty-one in on such short notice.”

The mayor gave him a look that was mingled curiosity and exasperation.

“We could promote the top five,” Commissioner Mariani said. “You will recall, sir, we offered the top five examinees their choice of assignment.”

“And you can get all five in here tomorrow morning?”

“Yes, sir. I’m sure I can.”

“Good. We’ll get him in here and promote him, and the others, and then assign Sergeant Payne to Dignitary Protection. ”

“But there’s a small problem there, too, I’m sorry to say. Payne is entitled to his choice of assignment.”

“Commissioner, why don’t you suggest to Detective Payne that the Dignitary Protection Unit would be a fine choice of assignment?”

“He wants to go to Homicide, sir.”

“How do you know that?”

“Deputy Commissioner Coughlin told me, sir. He’s Detective Payne’s godfather.”

“Figuratively speaking, or literally?” the mayor asked, sarcastically.

“Both, sir.”

The mayor exhaled in exasperation.

“Then I suggest you suggest to Deputy Commissioner Coughlin that he suggest to Detective Payne that Dignitary Protection would be a fine choice-indeed the only choice- for Detective Payne to make.”

“Mr. Mayor, the prize-the choice of assignment-has been widely publicized. If we don’t make good on the promise…”


“I’m afraid the Fraternal Order of Police would-”

“Jesus Christ!” the mayor exploded. “How about this, then, Commissioner? We promote Payne. Sergeant Payne is assigned to Homicide, and then temporarily assigned to Dignitary Protection for Stan Colt’s visit?”

“That would work fine, sir.”

“Then please see that it’s done,” the mayor said. “I’ll look for you here about quarter to three. Thank you, Commissioner. ”


Inspector Wohl and Detective Payne were alone in Wohl’s office at the Arsenal. Payne’s laptop was on Wohl’s coffee table, and Payne was bent over it, using it as a notebook, as he reported to Wohl on his investigation of the sudden affluence of Captain Cassidy.

Wohl held up his hand to Detective Payne to stop; he was about to answer his cellular phone.

He picked the

cellular up from his desk and answered it. “Wohl.”

Then he slipped the cellular into a device on his desk, which activated a hands-off system.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025