Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 126

Good for you!

“Okay, Concerned Citizen,” Wohl replied, smiling, “what have you got for us?”

“Can we get you a drink, sweetheart?” Coughlin asked.

“God knows I earned one,” she said. “Yes, thank you, Uncle Denny.”

“Uncle Denny”? What’s that all about? Are they related?

“What?” Coughlin asked.

Amy looked at Olivia.

“What are you having?”

“Diet Coke.”

“That’s not going to do it,” Amy said. “I’ll have a Bushmills martini.”

What the hell is a Bushmills martini?

“Jerry,” Coughlin called to the bartender. “One of the Doctor’s Irish Specials, please.”

“Coming right up.”

He knows what she means. Which means she comes in here often.

As Wohl’s… what? Girlfriend? More than that?… But with him. Not alone. Not like that poor Williamson girl, who went to Halligan’s Pub alone looking for Mr. Right to ride in on a white horse and make eyes at her.

Poor Williamson girl? Who am I kidding?

When Charley the bartender told us that Cheryl wasn’t looking for a one-night stand, that he never saw her leave the place with any of the guys who hit on her, I thought, I understand. That description fits me.

That’s how I spend my spare evenings, going to Manny’s, where I don’t think they know I’m a cop, which is important because if Mr. Right ever rides into Manny’s on his white horse and makes eyes at me, I know he will gallop right out again the moment he hears the whispered words “she’s a cop” from the bartender.

But what if Mr. Right has just ridden into my life in a silver Porsche? At least…

“You take Irish whiskey…” Commissioner Coughlin said.

He’s talking to me!

“… and you put it in a cocktail shaker with ice, and shake it well, and then you pour it into a martini glass. That way, you don’t dilute the whiskey as the ice melts.”

“Very interesting,” Olivia said. “I’ve never heard of that.”

“They’re really pretty good,” Amy Payne said.

“You want to try one?” Coughlin asked. “You really earned a drink today with the Williamsons.”

“Why not?” Olivia said.

“Jerry!” Coughlin called. “Two Doctor’s Irish Specials.”

“Two Doctor’s Specials coming up,” Jerry called back.

Olivia looked at Matt.

He was rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025