Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 154

The Highway sergeant and McFadden, who knew that Classic Livery was one of Philadelphia mob boss Vincenzo Savarese’s legitimate businesses, chuckled.

A black Cadillac, a black Crown Victoria, and a black Buick Park Avenue rolled onto the tarmac.

“The mayor and the commissioner,” the Highway sergeant said. “I think that’s one of the cardinal’s cars, but there’s no one in it.”

That mystery was immediately explained when both the Hon. Alvin W. Martin, mayor of the City of Philadelphia, and Monsignor Schneider climbed out of the Cadillac. Police Commissioner Ralph J. Mariani got quickly out of the passenger’s front seat of the Crown Victoria and walked up to them.

“I guess I better start looking busy,” the Highway sergeant said, and started to walk back to the Highway bikes. As he passed the mayor and party, he saluted. Commissioner Mariani waved him over.

A moment later, the Highway sergeant pointed to Matt, and a moment after that, started to walk quickly-almost trot-back to where Matt and McFadden were standing.

“The commissioner wants to see you,” the Highway sergeant said.

“Oh, shit,” Matt muttered, and walked over.

“Good morning, Mr. Mayor, Commissioner, Monsignor,” Matt said.

“My goodness,” Monsignor Schneider said, “what happened to your face?”

“I lost my footing chasing a fellow last night, Monsignor.”

“How was that, Sergeant?” the mayor asked.

“I was chasing a car thief, sir.”

“The one on Knight’s Road?” Commissioner Mariani asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, Sergeant,” the commissioner said. “But it was a little more than that, wasn’t it? The fellow ran a light, slammed into a family in a van, and sent them all to the hospital? And then left the scene?”

"Yes, sir.”

“I saw that in the paper,” the mayor said.

“Did you catch him?” Monsignor Schneider asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“You really do get around, don’t you, Sergeant?” the monsignor said, admiringly.

“What’s with the hand?” the commissioner asked.

“I bruised it on the driveway, sir.”

“And still managed to catch this fellow?” the monsignor asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“What did you do, walk up on it, Sergeant?” Mariani asked.

“Yes, sir. I was taking… a detective-we were working on the Williamson job-home. And it happened right in front of us.”

“And how is that going?” Schneider asked. “The Williamson ’job,’ I think you said?”

“Well, sir, we have a pretty good psychological profile of the doer that should help us find him, and we have some pretty good evidence to put him away once we do-”

“For example?” the monsignor interrupted.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025