Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 168

"Sure,” O’Hara said.

“What is it, Denny?” Chief Wohl asked.

“We’ve identified one of the doers in the Roy Rogers job,” he said. “Tony Harris went to the State Police fingerprint guy, Lieutenant Stecker, who worked some kind of magic with their new AFIS machine and was able to get enough points to let us run them, and.. ”

He stopped in midsentence, and forestalled any other questions by punching his way through the stored numbers on the cellular until he found what he wanted, and then pressing Call.

“Ben, Denny Coughlin. I apologize for calling you at home…”

He stopped and laughed.

“What, Denny?” Chief Wohl asked.

“Ben Solomon told me to take two aspirin and call him in the morning,” Coughlin said, and then his voice suddenly grew serious, as Mrs. Solomon, aka the district attorney of Philadelphia, came on the line.

“Eileen, we’ve identified one of the doers in the Roy Rogers homicide and now have a pretty good idea who the other one is,” he said. “I thought I’d better let you know.”

There was a pause, and then he continued.

“Tony Harris got the State Police, using some kind of a new machine they have, to get enough prints-points-from a hat, a visor, one of them left at the scene.”


“Yeah, that’s it, Eileen. But, once we arrest them, I’m pretty sure some of the witnesses will be able to pick them out of a lineup.



“No. Henry Quaire’s getting the warrant as we speak…”


“Whatever you say, Eileen. Is Unger there? You want me to send a car?”


“Okay. Thirty minutes, in my office.”


“Matt’s here. We’re at Augie Wohl’s house.”


“Thirty minutes. Thanks, Eileen.”

He took the phone from his ear and pushed End.

“The district attorney says she wants to make sure this is done right. She’s going to meet us in my office in thirty minutes.”

“Just you two?” Peter Wohl asked.

“That’s what she said. What are you driving at?”

“The last I heard, this job was given to a Special Operations task force.”

“Jesus, I forgot about that,” Coughlin said. “Peter, why don’t you just happen to be in Homicide in case Eileen wants to see you?”

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025