Final Justice (Badge of Honor 8) - Page 184

“He has a battery of police scanners,” Washington said. “With which he eavesdrops on police communications in the tristate area. You may have noticed all the antennae.”

“That Buick Whatchamacallit outside is yours? I saw all the antennas.”

“It’s a Rendezvous,” Mickey said. “Yeah, that’s mine.”

“If you want to really see the police department at work, Mr. Colt,” Washington said, “perhaps Mr. O’Hara would be good enough to let you ride around with him. He responds to every interesting call, which usually means a call where violence is likely to be found.”

“Be glad to have you, Stan,” Mickey said.

“Jeez, I’d like that.”

“Then we’ll do it,” Mickey said.

“There’s a problem there,” Wohl said. “We really have to make sure you have a police officer with you, Stan.”

“Why, and what’s wrong with Matt?”

“Because the commissioner says so,” Wohl said. “And what’s wrong with Matt is that he’s been on the job all day and it’s getting close to midnight.”

“What about the other detective?” Mr. Colt asked. “The little one?”

He held out his hand to indicate Detective Martinez’s diminutive stature.

“Who’s he talking about?” Wohl asked Matt.

“Hay-zus,” Matt said. “McFadden relieves him at midnight.”

“Another Mick, Stan,” O’Hara said. “Good guy. You’ll like him.”

“Inspector, I would venture to suggest that Mr. Colt would be safe in the capable Gaelic hands of Detective McFadden,” Washington said.

“You mind if I ask if you always talk like that?” Mr. Colt asked.

“Always, I’m afraid,” Wohl said, chuckling. He looked at his watch. “Put the arm out for him, Matt. Have him meet us here.”

“Have him meet us at D’Allesandro’s,” Mr. Colt said. “This drink is my third and last one for the day, and I’m determined to have a cheese steak. You’re all invited, of course.”

Washington and Wohl looked at each other.

“Far be it from me to reject Mr. Colt’s generous invitation, ” Washington said. “And not only because it will afford me a splendid answer to Martha’s inevitable question when I finally get home.”

“Where the hell have you been, what have you been doing, and with whom?” Wohl asked.

“ ‘Actually, my precious, I was having a cheese steak at D’Allesandro’s with Mr. Stan Colt, the movie star.’ That should for once strike her dumb.”

At five past one, Mr. Stanley Colt having had his cheese steak, and having been transferred into the capable hands of Detective Charles McFadden, Matt got in his unmarked Crown Victoria and started home.

He smiled at the memory of Mr. Colt’s response to Inspector Wohl’s instructions to Detective McFadden: “He is not to get out of Mickey’s car without your permission. If he gives you any trouble, cuff him, and turn him over to Dignitary Protection at the Ritz-Carlton. Trouble is defined to include any gesture toward a member of the opposite sex beyond a friendly smile.”

“That’s not going to be a problem. I can get laid anytime. But doing this, wow!”

He had just turned onto Walnut Street and was headed west toward Rittenhouse Square when his cellular went off.

Jesus, now what?



Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Badge of Honor Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025