The Hostage (Presidential Agent 2) - Page 185

"You're thinking of the Belle Visage," Betsy Masterson said.

"And what do you think of me thinking of the Belle Visage?" Masterson asked.

"That'd do it, Dad," she said. "No one would disturb you there."

"Then it's settled. What we'll do as the cortege heads for the plantation, Mr. Castillo, is go to the Belle Visage. We can have our little talk in private and then go out to the plantation. You can ride with me. How does that sound?"

"Sir, I don't know what the Belle Visage is."

"It's a gambling hell on the coast. There's a place there where we will not be disturbed."

"Whatever you say, sir. But there is one other problem. I have to establish contact with my cousin."

"Your cousin? May I inquire what that's all about?"

"Excuse me," Torine said, "but I just heard the band play 'Hail to the Chief.'"

"Charley, I can handle things until you get to the… plantation," Vic D'Allessando said, as they saw Lieutenant Colonel McElroy walking up to them. "Colonel, you want to come with me or go with Charley?"

"Charley?" Torine asked, seeking guidance.

"I'll see you at the plantation," Castillo said.

"You stay here, my dear," Winslow Masterson said. "I'll go get the children and your parents." He started for the stairs, then stopped and turned. "If you are seen with me, Mr. Castillo, there might be interest that at the moment neither of us wants. Can you get to the Belle Visage by yourself?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, then, I'll see you there," Winslow Masterson said, and started again for the stairs.

Castillo looked at D'Allessando. "You have wheels, Vic?"

"Not to spare, Charley."

"You have the Secret Service guy on your radio?"

D'Allessando nodded.

"Tell him that I need a Yukon here, right now, for I don't know how long."

"You can do that?"

"You can do that and we'll see what happens."

D'Allessando tilted his head slightly.

"You on, Ogilvie?" he said.

Mrs. Masterson looked at him with great curiosity.

"He's got a radio under there," Castillo explained.

"Mr. Castillo wants a Yukon at the Globemaster right now," D'Allessando said. There was a pause. "All he told me was to tell you he wants a Yukon here, now."

D'Allessando straightened up and announced, "On the way, Charley."

"Now tell them to find Fernando Lopez-he's my cousin, he's in the VIP section, and they know it-and bring him here."

D'Allessando bent his head again and repeated the order, and then said, "They'll do it."

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025