The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 126

"Which will not be able to land at either MacDill or Fort Rucker without making waves. Would you like to use my plane?"

"I'd love to use your plane. But what if you need it?"

"I'll get something from Andrews."

"Then I gratefully accept. Thank you."

"It'll be waiting for you in, say, thirty minutes. Keep in touch, Charley."

"Yes, sir. I will."

The line went dead.

"Do you think he's loaning you his airplane because he likes you," Miller asked, "or because he can now tell the President he loaned it to you?"

"You have a suspicious and devious mind, Major Miller. Have you ever considered a career in intelligence?"

"Charley, if you want-it would save you two hours-I can bring the people in Argentina up to speed. Unless there's something I don't know?"

"Bottom line: Make no waves."

Miller nodded.

Castillo stood up and walked to the door of the commo room.

"Come on, Neidermeyer," he said. "We're off."


MacDill Air Force Base

Tampa, Florida 1135 4 September 2005 The ground handlers wanded the Gulfstream V to a stop on the visiting aircraft tarmac. An Air Force master sergeant, who Castillo had decided was a combination of crew chief and steward, moved quickly to open the door.

Max, who had been lying in the aisle beside Castillo's chair, greeted him at the door and went down the steps long before anyone could stop him.

Castillo looked out his window, vainly hoping that no one would be watching.

General Bruce J. McNab was marching toward the aircraft. Two officers, one middle-aged and the other younger, were on his heels. All were wearing the Army combat uniform, a loose-fitting garment of light green, gray, and tan camouflage material, worn with the jacket outside the trousers. All were wearing green berets.

One of McNab's rather bushy eyebrows rose and his head moved toward the nose of the aircraft. Castillo couldn't see what he was watching, but there was a very good chance he was watching Max void his bladder on the nose gear.

"Sorry, Colonel," Neidermeyer said. "That sonofabitch is quick."

"Not a problem," Castillo said, as he pushed himself out of his seat. "General McNab would have found something to criticize anyway."

When Castillo got to the door, he saw Max was sitting at the foot of the stair door, waiting for him. He went down the steps, faced General McNab, came to attention, and saluted crisply.

McNab returned it with a casual wave in the direction of his forehead.

"I was going to compliment you, Colonel," McNab said, "on your recruiting poster appearance. But curiosity overwhelms me. Where did that animal come from?"

"Sir, I'm going from here to Rucker. I thought Class A's would be a good idea."

"And the animal?"

"That's Max, sir. I'm keeping him for a friend."

Neidermeyer came down the stairs.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025