The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 129

"My concern is whether there's enough."

"There's enough," Castillo said.

"Charley has some experience with how much black costs," McNab said. "So how do we get the Hueys down there, and exactly where do we send them?"

"Open for a wild hair?" Kingston asked.

McNab nodded.

"The Ronald Reagan," Kingston said.

McNab pursed his lips thoughtfully.

"Excuse me?" Castillo asked.

"It's an aircraft carrier, Charley. Named after the Gipper," McNab said drily.

Kingston added, "And it's sailing around the world, or at least down the east coast of South America, and around the horn, or whatever they call it, and then up the west coast to San Diego.

"Onto her, Tom," McNab corrected him. "She's sailing around the world."

Kingston nodded. "If we could get those Hueys onto her either before she leaves, or even after she leaves, they could just be flown off…"

"Wouldn't that make waves?" Castillo asked, and then heard what he had just said and, shaking his head, muttered, "Jesus Christ!"

"I don't think so," Kingston said, smiling at him. "We could say they're for the press or something. The Navy probably won't like the idea-"

"The Navy will do what the secretary of Defense tells it to do," McNab said, flatly.

"You have a place where they could be landed black?" Kingston asked.

"I know just the place," Castillo said. "But the last time I was in Uruguay their head cop told me, 'Good-bye and please don't come back.'"

"You want me to set this up with the Navy or not, Charley?" McNab asked.

"Yes, sir, please. I'll find a place to fly them off to before they get there."

"Just the Hueys? Or the Hueys and the shooters?"

"Just the Hueys," Castillo said. "We've got a few days. It would be better to send them down as tourists, or soccer players, a couple at a time."

"No problem with Spanish-speaking A-Teams, Tom?" McNab asked.


"Get on the horn to Bragg. I want four shooters on their way within twelve hours, different airlines, and six every twenty-four hours thereafter. You have a place for them to go, Charley?"

"By the time they get there, I will."

He wrote several telephone numbers on a sheet of paper and handed the paper to Kingston.

"That's if something happens and Lorimer doesn't meet them at the airport."

Kingston nodded his understanding.

"We could send the weapons and the gear on the Hueys," Castillo said, thoughtfully. "If we can't get the Hueys into the country black, we won't need the weapons. And that'll eliminate having to send them under diplomatic cover, which would open a can of worms."

Kingston grunted his approval.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025