The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 137

"You'll be flying right over what used to be Pascagoula and Biloxi."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I've been watching that on the tube right now. Incredible. The storm surge picked up a couple of those floating casinos and dumped them two, three hundred yards-maybe more-inland. There are slot machines all over. No damage at Rucker?"

"I didn't see any. Nothing like that."

"Okay, Chief. Keep in touch."

Castillo pushed the OFF button.

"I'll hang this up, Jamie. Make yourself a drink. And while you're at it, see what Colonel Richardson will have."

As he left the living room, he heard Richardson say somewhat piously, "Nothing for me, thank you."

[THREE] 1040 Red Cloud Road

Fort Rucker, Alabama 1735 4 September 2005 "There it is, Jamie," General Wilson said. "One Zero Four Zero."

He and Castillo were in the second-row bench seat of the Army Dodge Caravan, Max having decided he would rather ride in the front passenger seat.

Neidermeyer slowed the van almost to a stop as they approached the house. It was a single-family frame one-story building, identical to the ones on its left and right as far as Castillo could see.

Castillo vaguely remembered that lieutenant colonel

s and better-or was it majors and better?-got separate houses. Lower ranks had to share an interior wall.

Hanging from two eighteen-inch-high posts next to the driveway was a sign: LTC R. W. RICHARDSON, AV.

The carport was full with a Pontiac sedan and a civilian Dodge van. Behind them, on the drive, was a Buick sedan with Arizona license plates and a Mercury sedan pulled up behind the Dodge.

"It looks like the Crenshaws are here," General Wilson.

"Maybe I'd better park on the street," Neidermeyer said.

"It's against the law," Wilson said. "Pull in behind the Mercury."

"Why is it against the law?" Castillo asked.

"About the time of Custer's Last Stand, a child darted out between two cars parked on the street and was run over. You just can't have that sort of thing, and so they passed a law. I tried to change it when I was post commander and was dissuaded by a regiment of outraged mothers."

"What do you do if you have more people coming to dinner than you have room in your driveway?"

"You politely ask your neighbors if the extras can park in their drive," Wilson said. "If your neighbor outranks you, or your wives have been scrapping, you're out of luck."

Neidermeyer pulled the van in behind the Mercury.

The house front door opened. Mrs. Harry F. Wilson looked out at the van.

"What do you say I get out and stagger up to the door?" General Wilson said.

"General, please don't do that to me," Castillo said with a grin.

General Wilson slid the back door open, got out, and walked to the door, holding up an index finger.

"Max, you stay," Castillo said in Hungarian, and followed Wilson.

"What's this mean?" Bethany Wilson asked, more than a little suspiciously, holding up her own index finger.

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025