The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 215


"This is the White House. Please hold for Colonel Castillo. Go ahead, Colonel."

"We have verified Class One encryption?"

"Yes, sir, we do."

"Good evening, Admiral. My name is Castillo."

"Yes, sir?"

"Sir, I'm a lowly lieutenant colonel."

"What's this all about, Colonel?"

"Sir, I am in receipt of your Urgent referring to the Army helicopters you now have aboard. Your message referred to me as 'Costello.'"

"Sorry about that."

"Sir, getting my name wrong apparently is not the only communications problem we are having."

"Is that so?"

"Sir, it was intended by the secretary of Defense that you or Captain Kenton receive your orders regarding the helicopters from the secretary of the Navy. According to your Urgent, Captain Kenton spoke with the deputy secretary."

"That is correct, Colonel. Frankly, I wondered why the deputy secretary didn't call me."

"Sir, I had nothing to do with that call. But I am calling to do what I can to straighten out the mess. Let me begin by saying the helicopters are involved in an operation classified Top Secret Presidential."

"I've heard nothing of the kind, Colonel."

"Yes, sir. I understand. But that being the case, it is the reason the Army officer in charge was unable to explain what he's doing or permit inspection of his helicopters. Unless I'm mistaken, there is no one aboard the Re

agan with that security clearance."

"Excuse me, Colonel, is there some way I can verify what you're telling me? This is highly unusual."

"Yes, sir, it is. May I suggest, sir, that you contact the secretary of Defense? Or, alternatively, wait until Colonel Jacob Torine, USAF, arrives on the Reagan."

"What did you say?"

"The director of National Intelligence, Ambassador Montvale, as we speak, is arranging for Colonel Torine, who is my deputy, to be put aboard the Reagan-"

"Your deputy? You gave me to believe you are a lieutenant colonel."

"I am, sir. And Colonel Torine is my deputy. We have both been detached from our respective services, sir, for this duty, and normal military protocol does not apply."

"I will be damned!"

"I admit it often causes some confusion, sir. But as I was saying, sir, Colonel Torine will arrive on the Reagan probably within a matter of hours, and he'll tell you what he can about what is being required of you. In the meantime, sir, I would be grateful if you could do several things."

"Such as?"

"Sir, please permit the major to establish communication with us using the equipment he has with him. That is so much simpler for us than going through the White House switchboard."

"Well, I can't see any reason why that can't be done."

"And, Admiral, the sooner you have the helicopters moved to the hangar deck and the paint stripping started, the better."

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025