The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 235

"I want you to give Lieutenant Lorimer and Sergeant Mullroney access to all information regarding this incident, and that means I want them to have access to your people. Alone."

"What exactly is Sergeant Mullroney's role in this?"

"Personal and professional. Professionally, he works drugs in Chicago. Personally, he's Special Agent Timmons's brother-in-law."

"That's not a problem. But is that all?"

"That's all I'm going to do for now," Castillo said. "I'll write my report, then see if these people turn him loose or not. Or if he dies of an overdose."

"Well, I don't think that's going to happen. Timmons will more than likely be turned loose. Maybe tonight. Maybe two weeks from now. But, for the sake of knowing…what do you plan to do if he isn't released?"

"Bring some people and other things down here to help you get him back."

"Other things? For example?"

"For example, a couple of helicopters. Ambassador Montvale is working on that now."

Crawford's eyebrows went up. "The Paraguayan government is not going to let you try to get Timmons back," he said, "much less bring people and helicopters into the country to do it."

"Ambassador Montvale is a very persuasive man," Castillo said. "And, besides, that wasn't my decision. I will just implement it."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'm sure I will be told what to do, and how, and when."

"I understand you met Milton Weiss," Crawford said.

Castillo nodded, then said, "Is that who gave you the back-channel heads-up about us coming down here?"

Crawford nodded.

"Milton," he said, "led me to believe he let you know a little about an interesting operation we're planning here."

"Grabbing the cruise ships?" Castillo said.

Crawford didn't reply.

"Well," Castillo went on, "I told Weiss I was not a DEA agent and my paycheck doesn't come from Langley, so that was none of my business, and I would-if possible-stay out of your way so I won't compromise your operation."

"'If possible'?"

"I'm not prescient, Crawford. I don't know what my orders will be if Timmons isn't turned loose and turns up dead. At that point, someone will decide what's important and I'll be told what to do. If this cruise-ship-grabbing operation of yours is so important, maybe you should start doing more than you have so far to get Special Agent Timmons back."

Crawford sat up in his chair.

"Just who the hell do you think you are, Castillo, to waltz in here and question what I've done or not done?"

Castillo did not immediately reply. He thought, That took me a little longer than I thought it would to make him lose his temper.

"Like you," Castillo then said, "I'm just a simple servant of the public, hoping I can make it to retirement. So tell me, what have you done, Crawford, to get Timmons back? Anything at all? Or have you placed your faith in the honesty and competence of the Paraguayan law enforcement community?"

With a little luck, he will now say, "Fuck you, Castillo."

Crawford glowered at him for a long moment, then said, "Is there anything else I can do for you tonight, Mr. Castillo? I really have to get back to my guests."

"By ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Crawford, I need a list of the things you've done to get Special Agent Timmons back. My boss said I was to get that to him as soon as possible. Give it to Lorimer."

Maybe now a "Fuck you!" or a "Kiss my ass!"?

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025