The Shooters (Presidential Agent 4) - Page 260

"Three of the birds will use suppressing fire and get ready to put their shooters on the ground if necessary, while the fourth bird with a couple of shooters will land and grab the DEA guy and two gendarmes who these nice people have chained to a pole and, we believe, are keeping them doped up with some drug."

"You've located them?"

"Master Sergeant Ludwicz…you know him?"


Castillo nodded. "Skinhead penetrated this place and got a positive visual."

"So you know where they are?"

Castillo nodded again, then said, "Unless they're moved, which will probably happen. The fourth bird will put two shooters, plus an ex-Green Beret and a cop who both know the DEA guy-his name is Timmons-on the ground, grab them, put them on the chopper, whereupon the chopper will haul ass. The quicker we're in and out, the better."

"An ex-Green Beret and a cop? Where did they come from?"

"The ex-Green Beret is called Pegleg because one of them is titanium."


"You know him?"

"Of him."

"Good man. And the cop, he's a detective sergeant, is the DEA guy's brother-in-law."

"You brought a cop in on this?"

"It was not my idea. But I don't know what shape the DEA guy is going to be in, and I don't want to have to fight with him to get him into the chopper, so maybe he'll be useful as a friendly face.

Major Ward did not look convinced.

"I know, I know," Castillo said. "Best scenario, we get them aboard the chopper and haul ass without having to put the shooters on the ground."

"Back to the field across the river?"

"The bird evacing the DEA guy will go to the airport at Formosa-a hundred clicks from the target-where the Gulfstream will be waiting. And there'll be medics, to let Torine know if it's safe for the DEA guy to fly, first to Uruguay and then home."

"Why Uruguay?"

"Because the Uruguayan cops get the choppers when we're done with them. The Gulfstream will also take all the pilots home."

"Where are you going to be while all this is going on?"

"I'll be flying the bird that lands to get the DEA guy."

Ward did not respond to that.

"Not to worry, Bob," Colin Leverette said, coming into the light of the Coleman lamp. "I'll be with him to make sure he doesn't do something stupid."

"Where did that idea come from?" Castillo asked. "For that matter, where the hell did you come from? I thought you were pumping fuel."

"My offer to be of assistance was declined," Leverette said. "Somewhat rudely, I thought."

"Your offer to be of assistance to me is herewith politely declined, Colin. I need you to stay with the ambassador."

"Anticipating what you were planning for me, I had Vic D'Alessando send the best available shooters from the stockade down here with the ambassador."

"I'll be fine, Colonel," Ambassador Lorimer said. "There are all sorts of local police, as well." He paused and added, "What is that phrase from Tactics 101? I think you've been outflanked by Colin, Colonel."

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Presidential Agent Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025