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Black Ops (Presidential Agent 5)

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"We're going to have to do something for Aloysius." He looked at Woods. "Peter, send Mr. Casey a new green hat."

Lieutenant Colonel Peter Woods smiled. "Yes, sir."

"The one he has is a little ratty," Castillo said.

"All communications to me go through D'Allessando," McNab said. "From the moment I walk out that door, I don't know where you are, or what you're doing, or anything about you except that I agree you're not playing with a full deck."

"Yes, sir," Castillo said.

"I presume you two are not going to need any help to get to Germany and wherever Kocian is."

Delchamps and Darby nodded.

"And, Ace, I presume that the Benevolent Fund is going to benevolently

provide these two dinosaurs with first-class tickets over there."

"Absolutely, Edgar. How are you fixed for money?"

"Your credit's good," Delchamps said.

McNab looked at Castillo. "If you will be so good as to indulge me a moment longer, Colonel, a few loose ends to tie up. DeWitt and Uncle Remus and you will go back to Bragg with me. At Bragg--" He paused and turned to Hamilton. "How long since you've given a pecker-check, Colonel?"

"It's, uh, been some time, General."

Castillo couldn't tell if Hamilton was pissed, amused, or had thought it was a straight question.

"Well, while we're waiting for the pieces to come together, we'll see if we can't give you some practice. The pieces that have to come together are--this is yours, Uncle Remus--picking the Delta Force shooters."

"Yes, sir."

"And making sure Air Tanzania gets painted."

"Yes, sir."

"All that military crap, Uncle Remus. Shots, last wills and testaments, insurance, all of it. Phineas and Colonel Hamilton will be tied up teaching everybody all about Africa."

"Yes, sir."

"You'd better work out of the Stockade."

"Yes, sir."

"I can't think of anything else. Can anybody?"

No one said a word.

"Now, Colonel Hamilton, thank you for your patience. Do you have any questions?"

"Oh, yes. Do I correctly infer you are planning an operation of some sort in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?"

"Yes, we are."

"May I ask what type of operation?"

"We have reason to believe the Iranians, assisted by the Russians, have a chemical-slash-biological-warfare laboratory-slash-factory there, and we wish to get proof of that to show to the President before the bastards can do us any harm."

"Frankly, sir, I'm delighted to hear that someone agrees with me."

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