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Chasing Ivy (Oak Hill 1)

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Mia got a part-time job, despite me telling her not to and to just focus on school, but she was absolutely livid that I had been paying the rest of her tuition behind her back. Uncle Timothy was on my side and said that she should just be thankful and continue to excel at her studies, but Dawson sided with her.

He wasn’t a fan of me always putting people before myself, which is what most of our bickering was over, but I usually won by slipping my shirt over my head, causing him to forget what we were fighting over in the first place.

Dawson and I were still in the beginning stages of our relationship, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like we’d been together forever; we knew each other’s darkest secrets, our worst fears, where all of our soft spots were, and most of all – what we wanted for our future.

It was an easy answer, for the both of us.

All we wanted was each other... (and for Mia’s unexpected visits to stop interrupting us when we were… indisposed).

“Are you ready to go in yet?” Dawson asked, looking over at me applying my lipstick in the passenger seat of his truck.

“Almost,” I answered.

Tonight we were spending our evening at Ships to hang out with Emmett and some of his friends for his birthday. Max was meeting us there, as was Becca and a few of their co-workers.

I had still been working with Emmett on his books as a little side job until I pick up a few more clients (in which case I planned to leave the bank). Dawson’s father had been hinting around for me to take over the books for Lanning Construction, since their normal accountant was thinking about retiring, as she had been their accountant since the very beginning.

It felt like everything was finally falling into place for me, which was a little unnerving. I wasn’t used to things being so… easy.

“Babe, you look perfect. Let’s go.”

I playfully rolled my eyes at Dawson before throwing my lipstick back in my purse and zipping it up.

“Fine, let’s go. I can’t wait until your brother opens his gift.”

Dawson turned to look at me again. “His gift? What did you get him?”

I giggled, causing Dawson to flash his pearly whites toward me. “I signed him up for Tinder.”

Laughter filled the truck as Dawson threw his head back before saying, “He’s going to kill you.”

I giggled again. “I love messing with him. He’s like the older brother I never had. But in all seriousness, he needs a lady friend. He’s been so lonely since Carrie. Every time I go into the shop he talks my ear off. He needs a girlfriend.”

Dawson shook his head, a sigh escaping his mouth. “Come on, troublemaker. Let’s hurry before he gets here. I’ll buy you a drink that’ll go nicely with your evilness.”

I shot my eyebrows up. “Like a Rum and Coke? That’s what all the bad girls drink.”

Dawson laughed again, hopping out of the truck while shaking his head.

As soon as we made it inside, he went over to the bartender and ordered our drinks. I saw Kip and another tattoo artist sitting in the back booth, each with sleezy girls by their side. I brought my hand up and waved briefly before sauntering back up to Dawson to snag my drink.

“Here ya go. A Rum and Coke for my little rogue.”

I grinned. “I love you.”

Dawson’s brow furrowed for a second before a smile appeared. “I love you too, but where did that come from?”

A warm sensation wrapped around my heart. “I was just remembering when you came here shortly after we made it official and sang that Mamma Mia song and told me you loved me in front of the entire bar.”

Dawson’s mouth tipped up at the side. “I’ll do it again if we can finish the night off the same way…”

A pull at my stomach had my entire body tingling thinking back to what had happened afterwards. “How long do we have to stay tonight, because I’m ready when you are.”

Hooded eyes met my expression and I bit my lip. Dawson reached up with his empty hand and slipped it out from beneath my teeth.

“Careful now, or you won’t be able to give Emmett his gift.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the bar door opened up and in walked Emmett. My eyebrows shot up all the way to my forehead when I spotted a cute, petite gi

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