Every Way (Brush of Love 4) - Page 25

But as I sat there and stared at the couch Hailey was sleeping on, that idea made more and more sense.

I had to figure out who the hell had come into the gallery today.

Chapter 8


“What do you think about this?”

Anna held up a package of gender-neutral onesies, and I nodded my head.

“Looks good to me,” I said.

“Do you guys have bottles yet? Or are you going to be breastfeeding?” Anna asked.

“Breastfeeding, definitely. I’ll leak way too much not to,” I said.

“Then you’ll need pads for your bra and a pump.”

“A pump?” I asked.

“Yeah! For all that breastmilk that starts hurting your boobs in-between feedings,” she said.

“That’s a thing?” I asked.

“I thought you were the one reading all the books.”

“Yeah, on childbirth and raising a child. Not on my boobs,” I said.

“Well, we should stay safe either way. Pads for your bra and a pump, which means you’ll also need bottles or storage bags. What about these? They’re supposed to help with gas.”

I was looking at the bottles Anna was holding up, but my mind kept going back to the man who’d threatened me in my gallery. I had no idea what in the world I was going to do. I couldn’t empty one of our bank accounts without Bryan knowing. We had agreed to put my profits from the European tour into a joint account to start the combining of our lives. If I drained one of those accounts, he would know and get suspicious.

“Oh, oh, oh! Hailey, look at these cute little socks!”

I watched Anna hold up a package of red and blue socks with little bows on the sides.

“See? Red and blue for a boy, but bows if it’s a girl,” she said. “And if you have a boy, just cut the bows off.”

“Why can’t boys wear bows?” I asked. “What if my little man liked bows?”

“Then keep the bows. I don’t care. All I’m asking is if you like them.”

“Sure,” I said. “Throw them in.”

The man’s comment about the police was true. Even with Bryan’s father pulling the strings he did, he saw how apathetic the police department was toward John’s case. They hadn’t cared back then because John had a history of drugs, and they didn’t care a few months ago because the case was so old. No police officer would give two shits about some man threatening me for drug money. They’d arrest him, and then someone else would seek me out.

Apparently, that was an easy thing to do now.

“Have you guys thought about baby baths?” Anna asked.


“Hailey, are you even here? We’ve had this shopping date on the calendar for three weeks.”

“Sorry. I’m not sleeping well at night anymore,” I said.

“Yeah, well. That happens when you’re pregnant. Now, do you guys want this bulky plastic thing with a mesh net, or do you guys want this cute little flower that sits right in your sink and cradles your baby like a silken cloud?”

Tags: Lexy Timms Brush of Love Romance
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