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Every Day (Brush of Love 2)

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I thrust my ass against him relentlessly, chasing my pleasure while his teeth dug into the meat of my shoulder. One hand grasped my breast tightly while the other worked itself between my legs, and I could feel his thickness growing larger and larger while my pussy coaxed his arousal from between his legs. I could feel the both of us shaking, our bodies losing all control against one another while we climbed that dark trek up the mountain.

When his arm wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me closer to him, my hands flew into his hair just before we both tumbled off the side of that cliff.

My body shook while my legs pulled taut. His thumb pressed onto my clit while my walls sucked him deeper into my body. I could feel him pulsing inside of me, his hips slamming as far into me as he could get while he dug his face into the crook of my neck. We moaned and gasped, trembling and quaking on the sheets of his bed as we allowed our pleasure to barrel over our bodies.

But the moment our bodies dropped back to reality, the words left my lips as easily as they always had.

“I love you, Bryan.”

I was panting, heaving for air while he stayed deep inside my body. I could feel our intermingled juices dripping from between my legs, and I thought I might have said the wrong thing. I started to move, pulling away from his body. But all he did was wrap his arms around my waist and pull me so close, he threatened to cut off my air supply.

And that’s when I felt the first of many tears he would cry that night dripping onto my shoulder.

“I love you, too, Hailey. I love you so much.”

Chapter 17


Halloween had come and gone, and I’d celebrated it all at the art gallery. I’d taken the day off and visited Hailey, watching as all the kids of various ages, races, and social classes descended on her studio. She had bowls of candy and free little artworks she had painted and framed just for them, and the sheer joy on those children’s faces was enough to make my heart soar. Hailey was smiling and laughing, selling paintings right off the wall while I stood there in the corner admiring her and watching her succeed at something she’d always wanted her entire life.

I enjoyed the holiday with her. I stayed the entire day at her gallery before we went home and prepared for the trick-or-treaters I knew my home would get. She made us homemade apple cider, and we doled out candy while sitting on the porch. I didn’t think it could get any more perfect than this moment.

But I knew a dinner with my parents was looming around the corner, and as the air continued to grow chilly with the slow approa

ch of Thanksgiving, I realized why the air around my parents’ house was colder than usual. My parents were simply cold human beings.

“Hailey and I are back together,” I said.

“Oh,” my mother said. “How did that happen?”

“Reconciliation. Apologies. You know, talking like adults,” I said.

“Well, I, for one, am happy for you, son. I could see how much she meant to you,” he said.

“What happened between the two of you anyway?” my mother asked. “You never did mention it.”

“She knew what actually happened to John,” I said.

“What?” my father asked.

“She knew what actually happened to John, and she kept it from me,” I said.

“I have no idea what that’s even supposed to mean,” my mother said.

“John didn’t die a drug addict, Mom. John died sober, trying to save Hailey’s life,” I said.

“He what?” my father asked.

“Yeah. Hailey knew him back when he was in L.A. She had her own little art studio that she used to pull him off the streets. He cleaned up the moment he could delve into his art again,” I said.

“That boy was always so dramatic over some little paintings,” my mother said.

“Well, those little paintings saved his life. He cleaned up his act and tried to help get Hailey out of a rough scenario,” I said.

“In a bad relationship or something? Don’t tell me she dated John. She’d be practically bunny-hopping around the family. Who’s next? Me?” my father asked.

“Don’t be silly, you’d never stoop down and date someone like Hailey,” my mother said.

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