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Facade (Billionaire in Disguise 1)

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I bid her farewell and drew in a deep breath. The last thing I needed was to walk into this interview with an erection pressing against my pants. I braced myself for whatever burly man Mr. Williams was going to be. Whichever ex-military asshole with monkey hair was going to be cramping my style for the next few months.

But when I walked into the room where I figured we would be meeting, there was no one there. I was here on time for the interview, yet no one was to be found. I sat my ass on the edge of the table in the middle of the room as I pulled out my cell phone. I dialed the company, ready to fire them at a moment’s notice. The last thing I was going to allow anyone to do was waste my fucking time. If this was how they treated their high-end clientele, then I was going to slaughter their reputation so none of my friends ever fell into their lazy trap.

I called the company and heard the phone ring, but then the call disconnected. I held my phone out to figure out what the hell was going on, groaning as I saw the issue. No fucking service. Great. I was in my own office building, and I had no fucking cell service. Who the hell decided to put cell phone jammers in all the damn meeting rooms?

Wait. That had been my idea. Shit.

I strode through the room and made my way to my office. I rode the elevator up to the main floor and barreled down the hallway, nodding at my assistant who was opening her mouth to say something but I waved a hand to hold her off. I’d apologize after I called the security company. Pushing the office door open harder than necessary, I slammed it closed, prepared to redial and deal a real blow to this joke of a company.

But my eyes locked onto the person sitting in the chair behind my desk. My chair.

That beautiful brown-eyed woman from downstairs. In my office. Sitting in my chair. With her feet on my fucking desk.

“And we meet again,” I said flatly.

“For someone trying to save their own ass, you sure have shitty security at your company,” she said.

“And why would you say that?”

“Most of your men take after you.”

She rose her penetrating eyes to me, and I looked up. She was seductive and strong. Toned and athletic. She removed her feet from my desk with grace, standing tall and proud as my chair swiveled around behind her. She slid from behind the desk and swayed her hips, my eyes locking onto the curves of her form as she approached me.

“You really should hire men who aren’t as swayed by women as you are,” she said.

“I believe you should leave,” I said. “You’ve made your point.”

“Funny. I thought my purpose was to stay. Maybe interview for one of your lower positions. Provide a bit of ... fun for you.” The sarcasm dripping clearing from her tone. She picked up a paperweight off my desk and began to twirl it in her dexterous fingers.

I narrowed my eyes at her as I backed toward my office door, ready to run the moment she made a move toward me. I had no idea who the fuck she was, but I had no intention of finding out by myself. Someone wanted me dead. Maybe they were using this women as bait.

“I thought you were expecting someone,” she said.

“I am. Another reason why you should vacate before I call security.”

Her eyes rose back toward mine, and I felt my cock jump to attention. I groaned internally, trying to keep in control of my body. Her eyes darted down to my cock as a grin ticked the side of her cheek. I was annoyed by this woman’s presence and pissed off at her flagrant ability to

flirt with me. It was like she was forcibly drawing it out of me. Like my body was responding to something I had no control over.

I didn’t fucking like it, and I wanted her gone.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“You,” she said.

“As appetizing as that sounds, I try to keep my sexual escapades far removed from my office life.”

“It’s interesting that you peg me as a sexual escapade instead of an employee, Mr. Steele. I mean, You were given my name.” She paused and tilted her head slightly. “Didn’t you read my file?”

My mind stopped. Crashed into a brick wall after swirling at a million miles a second.

Holy shit, this was Sam Williams?

“You’re Mr. Williams?”

“Clearly, your intel is wrong.” She glanced down. “I’m a woman.”

“You’re the bodyguard I’m supposed to be interviewing,” I said.

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