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Every Time (Brush of Love 3)

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“I could help, if you’d like, with the gallery in my spare time. Or I could help you interview people to come help you. Anything you need, you know I’m here for you, right?”

Had I not known any better, I could’ve sworn a flash of guilt rushed over her face.

“I’m sorry, Bryan,” she said.

“For what?”

“For how my stress and lack of sleep’s affecting you.”

“I feel like you’re doing so much for me and always thinking of me, encouraging me to take this job and coming out with me when I ask. I know you’ve been saying yes even when you want to say no to avoid a fight, and while I appreciate your company and your willingness to sacrifice, I don’t want my presence to be a sacrifice to you. I want it to be good for you and helpful to you. I want to do something for you if only to repay you for all the support you’ve been giving me lately,” I said.

I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips, but the moment my eyes connected with hers, I saw a devilish look cross her face.

“Well,” she said as she slipped her hand from mine. “I do have one particular thing you could help me with if you really want to talk repayment.”

She slowly shuffled off the couch and swayed her hips as she walked past me. I stood to my feet, my cock already coming to life as she looked back at me. The salacious darkness that had encompassed her eyes called to me, beckoning for me to follow her like a siren luring me

into the depths of hell itself. But the moment she opened her small coat closet and pulled out a

tarp, my mind started whirling a million miles a second.

Chapter 18


M y heart ached. The mere fact that someone was hitting on Bryan made my heart sink to my stomach. He was an attractive man, and I knew it would eventually happen to us, but it didn’t sting any less. I didn’t want him to worry about that, though. Eventually, none of that would matter. And it was a good thing that someone was hitting on him and that someone had expressed interest in him. That meant he would have a lover to run to whenever I was gone. That meant he would have someone to help him get over me. But still, the need to stake some sort of sexual claim was still there. While I was living, I wanted him to make sure he knew he was mine. While I was still here and breathing, I wanted him to know how much I loved him, no matter how much my death would end up hurting him. I watched his bewildered face as I pulled out the tarp. I could see the imprint of his thickness in his pants slowly dwindling, but it wouldn’t be that way for long. I’d had this idea for us for a while, but I’d never gotten around to it. After the fight and all the stuff that happened in between, and then me getting sick, I hadn’t had the opportunity to bring it up to him. Life had become such a whirlwind of milestones and setbacks and upheaved emotions that it became hard to find little slivers of time where we could indulge in this type of artistic expression. Nighttime had draped heavily over the city of San Diego, and the paint I had for us would match perfectly. A sparkling navy blue and a deep black can of paint sat in the closet waiting for me to pry it open so we could use it. I spread the tarp over the dark hardwood floors of my apartment, and all the while, the stars twinkled above our heads. The moon was cascading in through the few open windows I had, illuminating the area where I’d laid everything down. I had to chuckle at Bryan’s bewildered stare. I dashed over to my closet and pulled out a massive canvas. I unrolled it and laid it out, stomping on it so it would lay flat before I dragged the two small cans of paint out of the closet as well. I looked up at Bryan as he watched me, his eyes still fixated on my bald head as my heart hammered in my chest. Somehow, I got the feeling he was slowly putting two and two together. “What is all this?” he finally asked. “It’s a canvas,” I said, grinning. “Have you learned nothing with me?” “Ha. Ha. I mean, what are we doing with it?” he asked. “We’re going to make love on it,” I said plainly. Now, the look on his face was less shocked and more confused. His brow furrowed deeper and his cheeks started to flex. He cocked his head slightly to the side while he tried to process how in the world this would work, and in that moment, I committed his entire form to memory. He looked so innocent and so awestruck, and I wanted to remember him like this, learning something new despite all the pain and horror he’d been through and experiencing something for the first time, just with me, despite his experience with women. Somehow, in that snapshot, his tattoos seemed a little more innocent, and his muscles seemed a little less primal and a little less intimidating. In that moment, he was no longer looking at me like I was sick but looking at me like I was an artist again. The tarp and the canvas practically covered my living room floor. Bryan helped me move my furniture out of the way, so we could spread it out. Then, I went to grab the cans of paint. He stopped me, putting his arm out while his curious eyes connected with mine. Then he grabbed the small body-safe paint buckets and put them up on my paint-splattered coffee table. “That’s a pretty big canvas,” he said. “You’re a pretty big boy,” I said, winking. That carnal desire came pouring back into his eyes, and I reveled in the fact that I could still make him feel that way. “So, what happens from here?” he asked. “Well, I know I have a tendency to focus more on conventional beauty when it comes to my artwork, but there have been some odd things I’ve wanted to try as of late,” I said. “I can tell,” he said, grinning. “Still don’t like the bald?” “It’s growing on me. I’m thinking about getting you some silk scarves or something to wrap around your head. Not to cover it up, but to give you another way to express yourself.” My heart leaped at the thought. That was one of the many things I loved about Bryan. He was always so supportive of whatever I chose to do. He understood how deep-seated the need was to express myself in everything I did, and instead of walking all over it or teasing me for it, he simply supported it any way he could. “I love you,” I said. The

carnal desire leaked from his face, and in its place flooded an innocent look while his hand reached out to cup my cheek. “I love you, too, Hailey.” We stood there for a longtime, simply staring at one another. Bryan stepped toward me, ignoring the canvas he was walking on, before he slid his arms around my body. He tucked my head underneath the crook of his neck, almost as if he was wanting to safeguard me from some impending storm. His strong, chiseled arms, riddled with their tattoos and bulging with its veins, caressed my back and held me close while he hummed the most beautiful tune in my ear.

Then, our bodies began to sway.

I curled into him, allowing my hands to grip the fabric of his shirt. I clung to him while he slowly swayed in circles, dancing to the tune he was humming deep in my ear. I closed my eyes and allowed a tear to flow free. I allowed myself to soak in the moment without giving one thought to the fact that I was dying. My head wasn’t pounding, and my side wasn’t aching. My stomach wasn’t roiling with nausea, and my joints didn’t ache. Right then, I finally felt normal again, and the very feeling caused a stark emotional reaction I wasn’t ready for. I felt myself shaking against Bryan, and he held me tighter than I’d ever felt him hold me before. I knew he wanted to ask questions. I could feel them rolling around in his chest cavity. His heartbeating against my cheek, his very life force reminding me of the one that was dwindling from my body. I clutched the fabric of his shirt so tightly, I thought I was going to puncture holes in it. His hands began running up and down my back, massaging my twitching muscles while more tears began to slip down my cheeks. I turned my face into his shirt and wiped my tears, trying to conceal the happiness and sadness and fear I was experiencing all at once. And if he realized what I was doing, he made no move to show he knew. The song he was humming finished, but our bodies didn’t stop swaying. I relaxed into him while our bodies slowly came to a stop, and as we stood there in the moonlight, I felt his hands slowly make their way up my shirt. The palms of his hands were so warm against my cool, clammy skin, and he ran his fingertips up my spine, causing me to shiver in my shoes. He unsnapped my bra with expert precision before he slowly worked my shirt above my head. Piece by piece, the two of us undressed one another. His hands ran their way along my body, feeling and caressing every part of me while he helped me out of my clothes. My lips trailed along every line and divot of his muscles, memorizing his strength and rippling detail with my skin. I sighed into him, soaking up his body warmth until the two of us were standing naked with one another. Then, I felt him crook his finger underneath my chin and pull my gaze up to his. “Where do we go from here?” he asked. “We’ll open those two cans of body paint and paint each other’s bodies. Then, we lie on the canvas and make love. Tonight, we’re the paintbrushes.” “Our love will create its own abstract art,” he said, grinning. “Precisely.” “Will we be using paintbrushes to cover ourselves?” he asked. “Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “We’ll be using our hands and fingers to paint each other down. But don’t worry, it’ll come off easily in the shower.” “Sounds like a two-for-one special,” he said, chuckling. “Only for you, Bryan.” He stared at me for a long time, and suddenly, I wanted to tell him everything. I felt all the words I wanted to tell him right on the tip of my tongue. His hand came up and cupped the back of my head, feeling the smooth skin that was once covered in hair while I battled my own body. I battled a heart that wanted to scream out to him and a mind that wasn’t ready. I battled a heart that wanted to tell him the truth and a mind that wanted to continue concealing the lie. Every part of me wanted his comfort to be because he was standing beside me through this instead of standing oblivious to it. But I didn’t want to ruin this moment. I didn’t want to ruin the fondness in his eyes with this disgusting illness. Silently, Bryan reached over and began opening the paint cans. I would’ve had to use a crowbar to get those things open, but all Bryan needed were his fingers and his strength. He popped them open like he was opening a soda, and it made a primal desire rush over me. He

opened both of them without a second thought before dipping his hands into the colors. Then, he placed his hands on my stomach and began to rub. I closed my eyes while he drenched me in paint. His hands meandered everywhere, pulling a wetness from between my legs I knew he could already smell. He covered my stomach and my back. He massaged my breasts, rising them to painful peaks with the shimmering navy blue he dipped his hands into. He crouched down and covered my legs, pressing kisses to the spots of bare skin on my thighs before coating them in paint. He even slid his tongue between my dripping folds before his hands covered those, too. He caressed and massaged and kissed until my entire body was covered, then he still back and marveled at his creation. The smile that crossed his face was intoxicating, and my hands shook as I readied them to paint onto him. One by one, I covered each of his muscles, sighing with their pulsing strength underneath my fingertips. His rippling arms were covered one at a time before I migrated to his chest, pressing kisses to each of his prominent abs before the black took over his body. Since he had covered me in nothing but the blue paint, I would cover him in nothing but the black. Our intermingled colors would be reminiscent of our intermingled juices, flowing along the canvas and painting a visual representation of the love we held between our bodies, between our hearts, and between our spirits. I coated his body with paint before he gave me one more coat. My body was on fire, shaking with the electricity coursing through my veins. I could feel the paint drifting down my body while we lathered each other up in it, the excess residue already leaking onto the canvas underneath our bare feet. Then, when we were both done, I looked up at him and smiled. “Let’s just take it slow,” I said. “Take our time.” “Hailey,” he said as he stepped closer to me, “there will never be a moment where I don’t take my time with you.”

My knees caved underneath me from the intensity of his gaze, and his arms shot out to catch me. He slowly lowered us to the canvas, his lips connecting with mine as his hands braced against the canvas. I felt my back lower to it, creating the first of many imprints while our tongues slowly danced with each other’s, and soon our artwork started to come to life.

Our bodies rolled around while we caressed one another’s bodies. My lips began to swell against his while our tongues battled for dominance, our bodies rolling the other over to try and stay on top. His hands caressed down my sides and gripped my hips, trying to gain control while I fought him for it. My entire body was coursing with sexual energy, and every fiber of my being was in tune with the sounds and spectacles from Bryan’s body.

Despite being bald and despite being sick, never in my life had I felt more beautiful. Never in my life had I felt more desired than this moment. While our bodies slowly maneuvered over the canvas, creating a beautiful piece of artwork I knew would stun a city to its knees, the only thing I could think about was how perfect Bryan’s body slid between my legs. His hands massaged my breasts, stroking my body into a consumable flame as it threatened to ignite the fabric we were rolling around on.

Then, I felt his thickness at my entrance.

Chapter 19


I was fascinated by the entire idea, though I was completely thrown off by the fact that Hailey wanted to attempt something like this. I could tell she was weak and tired and exhausted from work or whatever other excuse she was using nowadays. I could see the pallor of her body getting worse, and though the moonlight illuminated her skin in a way that made her look healthy, I could tell by the clamminess of her skin that she was anything but. However, the moment she began pulling out the tarp and the canvas and the paints, I saw that spark ignite behind her eye, that beautiful spark I remembered from the first leg of our journey before that fight. Before something switched with Hailey that caused her to travel down the road she was racing toward. Honestly, I would’ve never thought of something like this. Having a canvas this big and using another body to paint on it? It was ingenious. I wondered how many other people had attempted this and started thinking about what t

hey looked like. Would it just be a canvas full of two different types of paint? Or would it have a shape to it? Like a geometric pattern? Her body was warming underneath my touch, and had she not been covered in that beautiful navy-blue paint, I would’ve reveled in the healthy color of her skin. I felt her lips swelling against mine, pulling a groan from my throat as she finally parted her legs for me. I was already leaking for her, desperate to be inside of her body as I pressed myself up toward her entrance.

Then I looked into her eyes, just to make sure she was okay. I was heaving for air, shaking with the pleasure coursing through my body while her sparkling eyes stared back at me. The smile on her face was nothing short of perfection, and there was something inside of me that was screaming to screenshot it, to commit it to memory in case it didn’t come back for a while. So, that’s exactly what I did. I took stock of every single part of her body, how she was contorted underneath me, how her chest was panting for air, how beautifully swollen her lips were, and how hot her pussy was against my girth. I took in the bright white smile she was throwing my way and how it made her luscious eyes sparkle, and for several moments, I simply afforded myself the time to devour her beauty, the natural beauty that had drawn me to her even before I’d known who she was. Then, without another word, I slid into her. Her back arched, and I wrapped my arm around her, pressing her hips closer to me as I slid as deep as I’ve ever been inside of her. Her jaw unhinged, and her eyes rolled back, and I knew exactly what I was going to do with her the moment I felt her walls clamp down onto me. I took my hand and pressed it against her abdomen, moving that beautiful sweet spot to me as her jaw unhinged. “Holy shit, Bryan. What’s-what the—?” With small, barely-there thrusts, I grazed my girth against that rough spot. We saturated the canvas with our colors while I watched her skin prickle, causing a smile to erupt on my face when she shook against me. Her body was draped backward, her shoulders on the canvas while her hips were rolling into me. I could feel her walls already pulsing, reeling for their release while I touched a part of her no one else had. This was a first for me, and I was determined to give her a first in return.

“What are you hitting? What is that? Please don’t stop. Please. Don’t. Sto—” Her words were cut off as she choked on her orgasm. I felt the pleasure coursing through her veins while I continued to rock against that spot. I pressed down heavier into her abdomen, bringing it closer as she called out my name in ecstasy. Her body felt light as a feather against mine, a stark contrast to the curvy woman I’d come to know. But even with her dwindling weight and her bald head, she still emanated the spirit I’d fallen so desperately in love with. She was unashamed of the fury of her orgasm as she wailed out into the room, and the moment she collapsed back down onto the canvas, Ileaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. She was so overtaken with shock that she couldn’t even pucker them back to kiss me. In an instant, I rolled us over. Her limp body was on mine, her hands pressing into the canvas while she tried to steady herself. My hands rolled down her back, grasping her beautiful ass while I slowly moved her hips against mine. She panted into my neck while the paint dripped from our bodies, and soon, she found her rhythm before she leaned up and planted her hands on my chest. Her hips rocked, and her bosom swayed. I latched onto her thick thighs, untouched with whatever stress was devouring the rest of her body. She rocked and bounced. She moaned and began to sweat. I could see the dribbles of salted water washing away the paint on her body, and in a flash, I reached over and dipped my hand into the navyblue ocean of liquid. Islathered it all over her body while she slammed herself onto my lap, but the moment didn’t last for long before I rolled her over again. She reached for the black paint and covered my body again before I started undulating into her. Her legs were wrapped around me while her arms were spread eagle, and I interlocked our fingers together before I pinned her hands above her head. Her breasts were jumping for me perfectly as her hips rose to meet mine, and I soon forgot about the canvas underneath our bodies. I forgot about the artwork we were attempting to create. This beautiful woman, who had stolen my heart and my mind, was in the process of stealing my soul. I was in the process of giving everything over to her, and for the first time in my life, I was no longer frightened. I was no longer scared of the future or wondering what in the hell she was hiding from me. All I knew in that moment, as I watched her face contort with pleasure while our bodies rocked against one another’s, was that I wanted her for as long as I could have her. And if I was lucky enough, that would mean the rest of our lives. Suddenly, in a show of dominance, she pushed me forward and laid me back down. She turned herself around and lowered her beautiful body onto mine, giving me the perfect view of her ass while she ground against me. I ran my hands up her back, the black paint swirling with the navy shimmer of her body while I planted my feet on the ground. Her hands hit my knees, trying to gain some leverage while she rendered me immobile, and all I could do was take in the pleasure her body was giving me while I pulsed against her walls. “Hailey, you’re so beautiful. So perfect.” The words fell from my lips like a prayer, and for a moment, she stopped. Her beautiful body hovered over the tip of my cock like she was debating what I’d said. I allowed my hands to run over her perfect ass, caressing and massaging every inch of her I could while her entire body trembled. Then, I sat up quickly and took her to her knees before I slid into her and started to pound. Her shoulders dropped to the canvas, and she allowed her bosom to do all the painting. My hips were jiggling her beautiful body for my own viewing pleasure, and she bucked back into me wildly while pants and whimpers fell from between her lips. I could feel her body coating me with its scent while we scrambled on the canvas for one another, and then, I felt her body vibrating against mine. I felt her silken walls throbbing, begging for her release as I picked up my pace. Sweat was dripping down my brow as Hailey’s entire body collapsed to the canvas, and I followed her while I continued to thrust. “Bryan. Oh, Bryan. The things you do to me. Yes. Don’t stop. Please. Help me come. Please, Bryan.” “Always, Hailey,” I said into her ear. “I will always help you.” I writhed against her body as I planted my hands beside her chest. I rose up and thrust into her tired body, her figure sloshing along the canvas while drones of pleasure escaped from her throat. I felt my hips stuttering, signaling my impending release while I watched her body arch. Then, Islammed into her one last time before the two of us fell over the edge. I collapsed on top of her while her body’s vise grip milked me of everything I had. I heard the faintest ripping sound, and it drew my gaze up to where Hailey’s fingernails dug so far into the canvas, it ripped where she was clawing. I poured myself into her body, knowing it would leak out onto the paint that was swirling beneath our bodies. If Hailey knew she had torn the canvas, she didn’t seem to care. We shook together for what felt like an hour before we finally settled down. I could see the sweat rising on the back of her neck as I took in a deep breath. Then I helped her off the canvas before we moved to lay on the edge of the tarp. The two of us had to gather ourselves before we could stand, but when we did, all we could do was marvel at the strange creation. It actually turned out like an odd geometric pattern. There were beautiful swirls of black and navy in the middle, and as it tapered out toward the edges there were visible handprints where we’d pinned one another down. Rounded motions filled out the edges before part of the white canvas back bled through, and some areas were saturated more with color than others. It lent an odd sort of shading to the entire thing, one that mesmerized me while I continued to look at it. It wasn’t until I felt Hailey’s hand slip into mine that I was ripped from the trance our artwork held me under. “It’s a visual symbol of our love,” she said, grinning. “What do you think?” “I think you could get a pretty buck for this painting,” I said. “You think I’m going to sell this?” “Why wouldn’t you?” I asked. “It’s unique. It’s different. I’m sure someone would enjoy it.” “You want me to sell a painting we created by having sex.” “Hey, you’re the one who wanted something different,” I said, grinning. “I’m just taking it to the next logical step.” “Fine. Then maybe I will sell it.” The two of us thought about what that might entail, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. The idea of someone actually framing this and taking it home was a little odd. They’d have this weird piece of two random people sitting in their living room or some shit, and they would probably debate on what type of instruments were used in creating this painting. “I wonder if someone could peg the fact that those two dollops of paint there are from my boobs,” Hailey said. “Depends, I suppose. See that long stripe over there?” I asked. “Yeah?’ “Give you one guess as to what made that.” I winked at her, and she playfully slapped my arm. Her laughter filled the room, and I closed my eyes and allowed it to wash over me. She had this innocent little giggle that slowly morphed into a chest-wracking howl. If a slow-clap ever had a laugh-type form, it would be Hailey’s laugh. And it was one of my favorite attributes of her. “Well, I suppose we should hop in a shower,” I said.

“You mean you don’t want to fall asleep covered in black paint?” she asked. “Probably not. It might get a little itchy in places I can’t reach.” “That’s why I’m here,” she said, winking. “To reach the places you can’t.” “I thought I was the one who did that tonight.” “I still have no idea what you hit, by the way. I’ve never experienced something like that before,” she said. “Well, then we both had a first tonight.” I looked down at her while her big, bright eyes traveled up to mine. I took her hand and led her around the tarp. Then the two of us made our way into her tiny little bathroom. I reached into her shower and turned on the water, cranking up the heat, so we wouldn’t have to scrub to get this paint off our bodies. Then, I held out my hand and helped her into the shower before I followed in behind.

Chapter 20

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