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Just Me (You & Me 1)

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“LET’S SIT DOWN,” BEN suggested and Katherine happily accepted.

They had walked so far she wasn’t sure which way led back to his car. Having wanted to extend their time together, she would have agreed to walk to the end of the world with him if it meant their hands would be intertwined a little while longer.

“You look really nice tonight,” Ben said, as she sat on the black wrought iron bench.

“Thank you. I’m beginning to notice you have a bit of a uniform,” she teased, noting his white button up shirt and blue jeans.

“It makes my day easier,” he explained, shrugging his shoulders with a carefree smile.

“And you look nice in it,” she added, watching his eyes brighten.

He was too handsome to not know his impact on women, so Katherine was amused when he appeared shocked by her compliments. He had to know how attractive he was, and being the center of his attention felt a bit overwhelming for her.

She was used to getting occasional scraps of attention from Tim, but Ben doted on her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She felt special and valuable when he looked at her, something she hadn’t experienced in a while.

Ben was everything she knew she wanted in a man, and whenever she was around him she felt more like herself than she had in years. He helped her find her way back to herself, and she never wanted that feeling to end.

With her hand on his knee, she settled beside her, pressing her hip to his. Space was the only thing she didn’t want with Ben, and thankfully he seemed to feel the same. His hands were magnetic to her, pulling and tugging as a nervous sexual tension coursed through them.

“I think we’re going to go to every restaurant in the city if it’s the only way I can see you,” Ben smiled, flashing his pearly whites at Katherine.

“That's why I have to go on a walk after every meal. I’m trying to keep off the pounds,” she laughed, tilting her head up as she offered herself to him.

When Ben finally pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers, she didn’t resist at all, eager to taste him. His tongue slid past her lips, dancing alongside hers as she moaned into his mouth. She’d thought of nothing but his touch, smell, and taste, since their last kiss. Katherine wanted to feel his hands all over her, and she pressed her body to his from the pressure she craved.

Just as Ben pulled away, she felt a large rain drop fall onto her face. “Oh no!” she squealed, quickly wiping her face. The rain rushed down her face, dripping down the cleavage of her dress.

“Should we get somewhere dry?” Ben asked, leaning over Katherine to block the rain. Glancing up at him, she felt seductive and bothered. She wanted him more than anything, and was ready to stop pretending she didn’t need the pressure of a man between her thighs.

Living alone had forced independence on her, but being around Ben brought back all the longing she had suppressed for years. A flood gate had been opened, and Katherine had no plans of closing it off. She wanted the feelings to continue, and even more than that, she wanted to feed the hunger.

“I’ve always wanted to make out with a hot guy in the rain,” Katherine heard herself say, shocked by her boldness. Being the quiet and demure lady had not gotten her far in her life, and she was tired of accepting whatever was thrown her way. She wanted to boldly claim what she wanted, and there was no better time to start making requests.

Ben stared at her for what felt like minutes before leaping into action. The nape of her neck was becoming his territory, and he loved controlling the angle of her neck, tilting her head to get the best access to her mouth as his tongue explored her flavors.

She bent to his every command, making her mouth and body all his for the taking. The park was completely empty thanks to the rain, but to Katherine it didn’t matter. She didn’t mind if there was an audience, she just wanted Ben, in all of his muscular glory.

Reaching between her legs, Ben slid his hand up her thigh and Katherine felt herself become undone, pressing her thighs together. With desire pooling, she curved her hips, inching her body forward on the bench. Water fell around them in melodic harmony, and their bodies curved with need, reaching and grabbing for more.

Ben’s free hand traveled from her hips to her waist, where he gripped her tightly, pulling her small frame closer to him. She felt weightless to his strength, moving in his direction without resistance. She wanted to be putty in his hands, forced into w

hatever position he wanted so she could take whatever he wanted to give her. He was powerful and Katherine liked to let go, submitting to his will.

When his hand drifted up her stomach, gripping at the fabric, she pressed her chest forward, silently begging him to clench more of her. Finally, his hand found her breast, roughly stroking through the thin fabric of her dress before finding her nipple. His fingertips worked in soft circles as he teased the sensitive tip of her breast until her nipple stood sharp as an icicle.

“I want you,” she moaned, when his lips pulled from hers. Katherine was wet in more ways than one as the rain dripped from her arms and down her legs.

“Sweetheart, I have to get you out of this rain,” Ben insisted.

Katherine loved when he called her sweetheart, and she nodded, as she would have regardless of what he asked. When he stood, his arms still wrapped around her, she stood with ease, lifted by his strength. The rain was pouring, leaving no way for them to dodge the rain drops as they made their way through the park.

Maybe it was the precipitation, or the way Ben’s shirt clung to his chest as he continued to hold Katherine with both arms, but something about the moment was just hysterical to Katherine as she took it all in. Without a word of warning, they both took off running, gliding through the park like children as the rain fell in every direction around them.

Felling very childlike, Katherine laughed loudly as Ben looked from one direction to the next, searching for a way out of the park.

“Let’s get a cab at the end of the park!” He pointed toward the line of yellow cars waiting to take pedestrians home.

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