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Accidental Pregnancy

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But it doesn’t matter. I have to do this. It’s my last chance.

I glance at the clock. It’s two-thirty. It’s time to make my move. If I don’t do it now, I’m never going to. There’s a lot riding on this. My relationship with Amanda, my company’s alliance with Tech Square Inc., even just the happiness of both Amanda and I…

I clench my hands. Failure is definitely not an option.

With this thought in mind, I make my way to the elevator. I pass Alicia on the way. There’s no surprise on her face. I turn back to glance at her as I enter the steel box, and I see her mouth “good luck” at me. I chuckle as the doors close. I truly can’t keep anything secret from that woman.

When I get to the third floor, I step out. The hustle and bustle of the people around me is familiar. People are calling out names, rushing past without a backward glance or chatting with their heads bent over something. Many of them are giving a wide berth to the glass-walled room that I know is the boardroom which Amanda is currently in.

Only, it’s not just Amanda this time. My heart clenches. She’s brought a few of her own employees to discuss collaboration. On top of that, I know Brandon has selected a few of my employees for the same thing. I know because he ran his choices by me first.

That means I’m about to walk into a board room that has not only Brandon and Amanda in it, but also several other employees, all there for the sole purpose of discussing how important the alliance between the two companies is. And the only person expecting me to arrive is Brandon.

I almost turn around. This is stupid. This meeting is way too important to interrupt. I should just hang around until it finishes and catch Amanda before she leaves. That way, the meeting can be finished, no one (including Amanda) will be annoyed at me for interrupting said meeting and things can continue running smoothly. It’s a win-win situation, the way I see it.

You know, right up until the moment Amanda brushes past me, not at liberty to stay now that the meeting is finished, claiming that she has to head back to her own company. If that happens, I’d have no grounds to stop her.

There are a lot of consequences of stopping the meeting briefly to speak to Amanda. But the one big positive is that Amanda can’t leave in the middle of it. No matter how mad she is, she can’t storm away, because she still needs to return to the meeting, especially since she has some of her own employees there.

I hesitate. Brandon said it would be okay. He also knew when I was coming, so surely he would have tried to adjust the schedule to accommodate my interruption. Possibly, he might have even informed the other workers so that they knew what was about to happen.

I draw in a deep breath. Alright, it’s time to face the music. If I have any hope of ever getting Amanda back, then I need to do something as foolish and crazy as interrupt a very important board meeting to talk about my relationship with her.

I swallow, straighten my shoulders and stride forward purposely, trying to look like I don’t actually regret doing this.

As the boardroom comes closer, I can see Amanda. Her back is to me and she’s leaning over the table to point at something, a look of concentration on her face as her long ponytail flops over her shoulder. Brandon and several other workers are watching with rapt attention, hanging onto her every word.

I stop for a moment. Amanda is a natural leader, I’ve noticed. She’s smart, kind and street smart. She knows how to talk to people. She’s so passionate that I can’t help but be drawn into the world she’s creating for me. One day, she’s going to take over her father’s company and she’s going to do an absolutely amazing job of running it.

For now, though, she’s holding court. I’m almost sorry to have to step in and ruin the spell she’s cast over everyone present. It’s very clear, even in this moment that I’m watching, that it’s Amanda’s passion and vision that is driving this alliance to success.

Brandon is looking up. He catches my eye and straightens. He nods slowly.

He’s been expecting me.

Here we go.

I take a moment to collect myself. Then, the very image of the perfect businessman, I push up the glass door and step into the boardroom. My employees instantly straighten, prompting Amanda’s employees to do the same. Amanda goes stiff, her face draining of color as she stares at me.

But I ignore her for a moment. I settle my eyes on Brandon instead.

“How is everything going?” I ask pleasantly.

“Very well, sir,” Brandon says with a respectful nod.

“That’s great,” I say. I smile at Amanda and her employees. “My name is Lyle Thompson. I’m the owner of Energy Plus Co. I’m very pleased that you’re all here, and I truly hope we can manage a collaboration that will benefit both of us.”

Several of them grin at my words. I glance at Amanda; she’s starting to flush. Then I look back at Brandon.

“Do you mind if I steal away Miss Simmons for a moment?” I ask. “I need to discuss something with her.

“Absolutely not,” Brandon replies before Amanda, starting to look angry, can reply.

“Fantastic,” I say. I turn to Amanda. “Miss Simmons, please accompany me up to my office. I promise our discussion will not take long.”

In front of her employees, Amanda had no choice but to follow me. Suddenly, I’m grateful that Amanda brought her own employees here; Amanda may have just denied me if it was only her and Brandon in the room.

I can feel her simmering at my back, however. I know she’s angry.

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