Accidental Pregnancy - Page 71

“I’d imagine.” My father glances at me. “As were you.”

I don’t deny it. My father’s demands upset me greatly. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It’s getting thinner as he gets older. It’s funny, but I’ve never really thought about my father getting old; he’s always seemed larger than life. But now, sitting in my dining room, he actually looks his age for once.

“I had no right,” my father says after a moment. “To threaten you the way I did. I threatened Lyle because I knew it would hurt you.” He grimaces. “And asking you to get an abortion… I knew the moment I said it that it was disgusting.”

That must have been why he folded so quickly when I refused. I do remember thinking it was odd he gave up so quickly.

“I’m sorry,” my father says, and I almost fall in shock. “I’ve said and done a lot of terrible things over the years, all in the name of toughening you up when you started to show an interest in business, but this was pointless harassment. You shouldn’t have had to experience that, especially from me.”

I swallow. I can’t believe he’s apologizing to me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him apologize to anyone.

“I… It wasn’t okay,” I say slowly.

He snorts.

“It was low,” he says, then sighs. “Forty years ago, Tech Square Inc. started getting bigger as the demand for information and different products grew. For a time, we managed to keep up with it all, but then the world started changing so quickly. It’s probably surprising that Tech Square Inc. has remained as large as it has all this time.” He gives me a small smile. “I get so caught up in business, that I forget about anything else. It’s why your mother left me; I still love her and she loves me, but I can’t give her the attention she deserves, and she knows that business will always be my priority.”

Tears come unexpectedly to my eyes. It’s strange hearing my father talk like this. I’ve never heard him be so open to me.

“I guess you and I are alike, then,” I say, taking in a deep breath.

He raises an eyebrow.

“Are we?” he asks. “Today, you stood beside the man you loved to confront me. And when I tried to get you to leave with me, you refused. You knew you were placing your job and everything you’ve worked toward in jeopardy. But you still did it.” He gives me a half smile. “I wish I had your strength of will. You must have gotten that from your mother.”

A tear flows down my cheek. What’s even happening right now? I remember, vaguely, talking to my father like this, when I was a teenager. Before I decided to follow him into business, and he decided to get tougher on me to make me take it seriously. Somewhere along the way, though, I think he forgot why he was so rough on me.

I never forgot, though. It’s why I’ve

tried to muddle through with him, despite his shortcomings. I know he loves me, in his own way.

Though…maybe it would be nice if he had come to this revelation a few years ago.

“But, anyway, that’s all over and done,” my father says as I carry the coffees to the table. “I’m happy with my life the way it is.” He glances at me. “Though, of course, we’re going to need some innovative ideas to push forward into the future. I’m not going to be around forever, and it’s getting time for me to start thinking about retirement.”

I snort. He says that, but that just means he’ll retire in another ten or so years.

“So, I guess you’re thinking of a successor, then?” I ask casually. “Anyone in mind?”

He blinks. He looks genuinely confused.

“That’s what I’ve been training you for,” he says.

I stare at him. What?

“I thought you wanted to step into ownership when I retire,” my father says.

“I do… I just thought you didn’t want me to,” I say. Holy crap, is this really happening? “I thought you had someone else in mind.”

“Why would I even look at someone else when you’re right there, and you’ve made it clear how much you want the position?” my father demands.

I stare at him. So, all this time, my father has been “training” me to take over?

“You…are a really shit teacher, Dad,” I say.

And then I burst out laughing. It’s almost too much. My father watches, bemused, as I giggle helplessly. Then he sighs and drains his cup.

“Tomorrow is a new day,” he says, standing and stretching. “I expect you bright and early. After all, you’ll need to take me through the contracts you’ve been creating with Energy Plus Co. I’d like to see if we can improve them any further to benefit us both.”

Tags: Mia Ford Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024