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Rock My World

Page 29

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“Aww, that’s a shame. I was hoping that you and I could hang out today.”

“Unfortunately, I have to be in today, they need me. We have a dead line that I need to meet…”

“Oh, I know. You’re very important. I wouldn’t drag you away. How about later?”

“After work? Yeah, sure I could do that,” she replies smilingly. “That sounds nice.”

“I will take you to dinner. But not at The Trattoria. Somewhere we’re actually welcome.”

She laughs the most musical sound. “Okay yeah, that sounds good. What time?”

“Eight o clock? Does that give you enough time?”

“Perfect, sounds good. I will see you then. I’m looking forward to it already.”

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone, leaving me with a bright glow around me. It’s like I’m in the first flush of love again, just like I was when I first met Addie and I knew that she was the one. I didn’t know if we could really make this work, but it really feels like we might now.

“Right, shower time,” I tell myself while I rub my hands together. “Shower then prepare for tonight.”

God tonight, tonight with Addie. I cannot wait. It’s going to be amazing…



Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

“It can’t be,” I murmur as I grab my cell phone. “Not again.”

I haven’t long been off the phone to Jace, yet I have a funny feeling that it might be him again. Or perhaps that’s because he’s the only thing on my mind right now. Him and our second date tonight which is very exciting.

“Hey, Luci!” Of course it isn’t him. Why would it be? We’ve made our plans.

“Ooh, you sound perky! I take it your date with the mystery man went well.”

Guilt balls up in my chest. I feel awful but I still don’t want to tell her about Jace yet. I don’t want to hear the millions of reasons why I shouldn’t go anywhere near him. I know them all and I understand it. But I haven’t felt anywhere near as good as I did while I was with him for a very long time.

I just want that again, just for a little while longer. If I just go into it knowing that it isn’t going to be a forever type of deal then it will be fine. I can’t possibly get hurt. I know one day he’ll leave me, he has to.

“Oh yeah, it was okay thank you,” I reply guardedly. I don’t want to slip up and say something that will lead to a million questions. Luci has known me for long enough to pick up on my weird quirks.

“I thought as much when I didn’t get a phone call. Or even a reply to my message!”

“Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t see that until I got home and it was really late.”

“I thought he might have come home with you!”

I chew down on my bottom lip as a stirring builds up in the pit of my stomach. He almost did come back to my place last night. I was so tempted to invite him up. I only didn’t because I thought it would make things too messy.

“No, he didn’t. But it was a lot of fun.” Am I pulling this off? I have no idea!

“Ooh, awesome! So, you are back on the dating horse then.”

“Hmm, something like that, yes.” God, I feel horrible. I hate lying to Luci. If only her opinions on Jace weren’t so strong. I do understand her point of view though, I would feel the same if the roles were reversed.

“So, do you want to hang out tonight and tell me all about it. I want to know the mystery.”

Shit, how the hell am I going to get out of this? I can’t say that I’m seeing the mystery man again, that would be weird. She won’t buy it and I’ll end up blurting out everything.

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