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Rock My World

Page 32

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Her eyes snap around. “You talked to your mom about me?”

“Of course I did.” I grin and she can’t help but smile back. “She loves you, you know that.”

We continue to walk for a while in silence. We don’t really have a plan in mind, we just bought our cakes and started a moon lit walk, but actually it’s the perfect way to end our amazing date. I keep catching glimpses of her out the corner of my eye, and in the pale slithers of light through the dark night, she looks even more beautiful.

“What did you say to your mom about me?” she finally asks, needing to know.

“Just that I’d seen you and that we spent some time together. I didn’t say how we ended up in the same place at the same time though…” Addie shakes her head. I don’t think she wants to think about that because my crazy plan was all too much. “She was glad. She said she likes who I am when I’m with you.”

“I like that too…” Addie stops herself, almost as if she was meant to think that rather than say it aloud. It makes me grin to know that she’s falling for me all over again, getting to the place I have always been.

I can’t help myself. I need to test the waters, to really find out where her head is at. This might be our second date, but it’s just another part in our long history, so I figure it’s alright to say this now.

“You know, my mom always wanted us to end up together.”

“She… she did? She does?” Addie’s a bit shell shocked. Maybe I should stop surprising her so much.

“Yeah. I think she thinks that you’re perfect for me.”

Addie turns to face me in the small alleyway by the park where no one really comes at night. I don’t even know how we ended up here, it just sort of happened as we walked. I see her chest rising and falling rapidly as she eyes me curiously, trying to work something out. “And what do you think?”

There’s no one around us anyway, but even if there was, they would vanish in to nothingness at this moment. It’s only me and Addie, Addie and me, staring into one another’s eyes, trying to work out who’s going to be the first one to break this silence, to say anything about our real feelings.

It’s me, it has to be me. I’m the one who destroyed us, I need to fix us.

“I think so too.” I take a slight step closer to her. “I think we’re meant to be as well.”

“You do?” she whispers imploringly.

“I do. No matter where my life has taken me, it’s always been you for me, and it always will be.”

She stiffens, her shoulders roll up by her ears and I wonder if she’s trying to figure out how much she can trust me. I remain open in my facial expression and body language so she can see that this is all the truth.

“Me too,” she finally admits. “I have always felt the same way.”

Those words are freeing for the pair of us and in the next moment the passion over takes. I grab her, I wrap my fingers up in her hair and push her against the nearest tree, and I claim her with my mouth. She claims me right back, kissing me hard and fast, giving in to everything that she feels inside.

She’s sexy as hell, more of a seductress than anyone who’s ever come after her. There might have been women who seemed sexier on the outside, but Addie’s special sweet way of luring me in is better, so much better. And now she’s kissing me in public like she’s about to jump my bones, and I may well just let her.

“Fuck, Jace,” she groans while tossing her head back in ecstasy as I slowly, almost automatically without giving it too much thought, slide my hands up her legs. Her soft thighs make me melt, and the further up I get, the closer to where I’m desperate to touch her, the more of a puddle I become. “That feels good.”

She parts her legs and I instinctively slide between them, pressing my hardening bulge against her core. My mouth runs up and down her throat, I remember how much this turns her on and I go with that, sucking and nipping at the exposed flesh on her throat, the both of us going crazy.

“We should… we should go back to my place,” Addie pants. “Don’t you think?”

“Hmm, yeah we should,” I groan back but I don’t stop kissing her and she doesn’t stop me either.

Adorable little whimpers come out of her mouth as I run my fingers over the outside of her cotton panties. I used to live for these whimpers, they would get me through any damn day, no matter what was happening. How did it get to the stage where I stopped living for this sound and I started putting other things first?

“Fuck, Jace, this is too much,” she pants. “I need you so badly. I haven’t… had this for a while.”

Ooh, that intrigues me. Is it the right time to ask more? Damn it, I can’t control myself. I slip my eager fingers under the material and find her wet heat before I take the plunge with my question.

“How long? And has anyone ever been as good as me?”

This is a dangerous question, I might not like the answer, and as she tosses her head back so her hair spills down her back and her eyes fall closed, I almost regret saying it. I want to take it back.

“There’s no one,” she finally rasps out. “Only you. Only ever you.”

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