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Rock My World

Page 62

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She steps closer to me and takes my hands in hers. She has the softest skin. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I was just so worried about you going back and us falling apart. I was trying to break things off before we ended up deeper involved. I thought in a warped way that I was doing the right thing.”

“I told you that I wanted to leave the band, I wasn’t lying.”

“I just didn’t want you to resent me because I’d made you give it all up.”

“I didn’t do it for you,” I reassure her. “I did it for myself and our future together.”

She nods and beams up at me. Her smile is so bright it makes my heart skip a beat. She always did light up a room with that grin, I always thought so, and now it’s even more intense. She lights up all of me.

“So, you really want a third try?” she asks in a teasing tone. It’s embarrassing to know that he heard me going on like that, but she doesn’t seem mad about it. “You think we get a third try? Usually it’s just two.”

“Sure, for normal people.” I step closer to her, my breath tickling all over her mouth. “But that isn’t us. I think that we get as many chances as we want. Whether it’s fate or choice bringing us together, it barely matters.”

We breathe together, in and out, almost becoming one as we do. I tilt my head down, just about to connect, but before our lips actually meet, I sense a flash out the corner of my eye, a sight that will always freaks me out.

“A camera,” I gasp. “The press. They’ve found me.”

“Actually, I think it was that family over there, not someone taking a picture of you…”

She probably thinks that I’m big headed, but it’s more just paranoia. I’m so scared of someone finding out about Addie. I know they will eventually, there’s no escaping it, but for now I want to keep her to myself.

“Well, a fan took a picture with me before, and while I asked her not to post it online, she still might. The press is far too interested in what I’m doing now, especially after that little speech about you, and I don’t want to be plastered all over the papers tomorrow. I’m sure you don’t want that too.”

“I’m surprised I’ve managed to keep out of it so far, but yes, I’d like to extend that. Come on, let’s go to my place.”

“I might just need to pop into Mom’s on the way,” I say. “I hope that’s fine. I just want to explain about the press conference. I don’t know how much she does and doesn’t know.”

“Oh yes, I was with your mom earlier and I ran off in a hurry. I probably should apologize.”

“You were with her?” That shocks me, it makes me nervous actually. “Why?”

“I will tell you all about it on the way. And don’t worry, we only talked about you the whole time.”

“Talked about me? Oh no, that has to be bad news. What did Mom say about me?”

“Nothing for you to be troubled about… only all your secrets.”

I roll my eyes. “Well, I’m sure you know all of those anyway.”

“Hmm, I do know them all now, and you have some serious explaining to do!”

I smile and let Addie tease me. I will let her say what she wants to me forever as long as I get to keep her in my life. We’ve fought to be together for a long time, and we’ve also fought to be apart. I don’t know if it will be straight forward from here on out, I’m sure there wi

ll still be mountains and issues to overcome, such as Luci, I still have no idea what’s happening there, but I feel stronger now and I hope she does too.

I lean on the door frame and watch Mom and Addie talk with ease. They have always had an incredible bond, but I guess I forgot that over time. Seeing them get along as if they are already family just convinces me more that its fate for me to one day to make her my own. Officially. As my wife.

I haven’t dreamed about her being my bride for a very long time, but now the image floods my mind and I love it. There hasn’t ever been anyone else that I wanted to marry, not like I do her. I may not have waited around like a nun for Addie, but she’s the only one who’s ever had my heart and soul.

I love her so much that I would be happy with my decision even if it was because of her. I’d never resent her.

“Mom, we can’t stay here all night, you know. You can’t hog Addie.”

Mom narrows her eyes at me. “You have to drop that diva attitude now, since you aren’t a rock star anymore.”

She’s glad, I know she is. Partly because she knows as well as I do that, I will get back to myself, but also because it wasn’t making me happy anymore. Mom understands better than anyone that this is the right move for me. I just hope that I can make Addie see the same thing too.

“Alright, alright.” I hold my hands up in defeat. “Maybe I should make some drinks instead.”

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