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Rock My World

Page 69

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We talk for a little while longer, before Luci insists that we need to go back to my place. She’s weirdly insistent, and keeps getting a string of text messages which is weird. I really want to push her, to know what her secrets are, but since I spent a long time having my own, I don’t feel like I have the right.

We step inside, and immediately I understand why Luci was being so strange. My entire apartment is filled with rose petals and music. It seems like Jace has been planning something romantic and Luci knew all about it.

“Right, well I have to go,” she tells me nonchalantly. “Have a nice night.”

I giggle and wave goodbye to her before creeping through the apartment, excitement building in my chest. Ever since I found out that I was having this baby, he’s been so sweet. He’s done so many nice things for me and it seems like I’m about to get another.

“Jace?” I call out. “Jace, are you here?”

“Oh, you’re back already?” He keeps his tone light. “Why don’t you come in here?”

I head into the kitchen, and find Jace there in a suit. An actual suit, which is a surprise. A nice one, he looks hot as hell in that, but it leaves me wondering what’s going on. He never dresses that smart.

“What’s going on?” He hands me a rose and I take it from him, inhaling the scent. “This is nice.”

“I just thought that I would cook a nice dinner for you, since you’re growing our child.”

He rubs my belly, getting that lovely smiling look on his face. He is so happy about our child, it’s lovely. Every time I get any kind of nerves about giving birth and being a mother, he’s there to cheer me up and remind me that everything is okay. That we will be fine. We just need to work together.

“I am growing our child. And I’m hungry too, so this is perfect.”

“Just before you take a seat, there’s something I want to ask you.”

“Yeah? There is?” I narrow my eyes. “Okay, I’m listening.”

He pulls something from his pocket so quickly that I don’t get a chance to see it. It doesn’t even cross my mind that it could be something important until he drops to one knee in front of me.

“Oh, my goodness. What are you doing?”

“Addie,” he starts, completely ignoring me. “I love you. I love you so much and I’ve wanted to make you my wife for a very long time, but now the time is right. We’re going to have a baby, and I want us to be a family. I want to take you down the aisle and say our vows. I want to declare to the world that you’re mine forever, then I want to spend every day of my life making you happy. So, I guess what I’m asking is will you be my wife?”

I gasp and stare at the ring. The flashy diamond ring that will change everything.

“Of course I will.” Tears fill my eyes. “I love you too, Jace. I would love to be your wife.”

“So, we’re getting married?” he gushes. “Are you serious?”

I cock one eyebrow at him. “You didn’t think I would say no, did you?”

“I don’t know, but I’m so glad you didn’t.”

He slides the ring onto my finger, beaming with joy as he does. As his eyes meet mine, we’re both in tears. Lovely tears though, very happy ones. We’re getting engaged, how could we not be overjoyed?

“I want to wait until after our baby is born though, before we get married.”

“You do?”

“If you don’t mind.” I nod. “I don’t know if pregnancy is the best time. I’ll be an emotional wreck. I mean…” I wipe some tears away for effect. “Look at me now.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” he chuckles. “Okay then, wherever you want, whenever you want. I don’t mind as long as you’re going to be my wife one day. I love you, Addie, and I can’t wait for our happy ever after.”

That thought blooms around me and makes me so happy. “I love you too, Jace. More than you could ever know.”



N ine months later…

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