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Protecting Her: A Romance Bundle

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I never did that before.

We cleaned up for Marta, washing the dishes together before Molly smiled at me. “Can we get some ice cream before we go to your house? Marta made some yummy chocolate cake and ice cream goes well with it.”

“Of course.” I hung the towel on the oven and glanced around the kitchen. It was eight o’clock which left us with enough time to spend together before she got some sleep…if she got some sleep. I had no idea what was going to happen.

“I’ll go grab my backpack.” Molly looked around and stood on her toes to kiss me gently, making me have high hopes for tonight. I wanted to take it a little further tonight and show her more about the art of control and how pleasurable it could be. It worked well the first night. I watched her leave before I walked into the living room to see the family talking as they watched a game on TV and Marta looked at me.

“I packed you some leftovers and cake, Robert. They’re in the white bag in the fridge.” She seemed so comfortable with Molly going home with me, but she wasn’t her mother. Marta seemed to get life and how it worked.

“Thank you, Marta. I appreciate that.” I heard the steps on the stairs and watched as Molly came down wearing a jacket with a backpack slung over one shoulder. I grabbed the food from the fridge and we said our goodbyes and I led her to the car in the dark evening sky, watching her intently. “Are you sure about this?” I asked her as she looked at me with big eyes, wide with desire.

“I want you to make me come again and

just fall asleep after I’m done. I want your warmth.” I wondered how many ways she wanted me to do that for her as my cock hardened in my pants, but I settled for getting her inside the car and making it safely back to my house. We were both quiet during the drive and I glanced at her at a light to see the thoughtful look on her beautiful face.

We pulled into the garage and Molly turned towards me as the door closed behind us, bathing us in the soft glow of the garage light. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

“It’s okay,” I told her as I watched her move towards me, her soft mouth claiming mine in a kiss. She was hungry for me and I let her lead the kiss, closing my eyes as our tongues touched and moved together.

“I freak out sometimes. You’re a good man and I’ve never had that. I just don’t know how to handle it sometimes.” Her voice was a whisper and I looked into her face for a moment, seeing the fear in her eyes.

“We’ll work through it together. I am not going to hurt you. I’m…” My voice trailed off as I realized that I was getting attached to her. “I never want to hurt you or scare you.”

We kissed for a little while before walking into the house and getting the food put away. “Shit. You wanted ice cream. I forgot on the way home.” I had been thinking too much about Molly in my bed and I opened the door to my freezer. I didn’t often keep things like ice cream in the house but I smiled when I found some vanilla. “I have some. Do you want dessert, Molly?”

I turned to see her throwing herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she kissed me. I managed to hold her and nudge the freezer closed with my back, kissing her deeply. Molly was needy right now and I wanted to fill any void that she might have. I slipped my hands down to cup her ass, urging her to wrap her legs around me as I started to carry her through the house. She’d lost the backpack somewhere on the way inside and I dropped her to the floor of my room, slipping her coat off as I searched her face with my eyes.

Molly took a deep breath and lifted her shirt over her head, revealing a thin white bra with her hard nipples prominent. I reached down to touch her over the material, squeezing as I kissed her again.

Molly turned to look at the bed as I slipped off my flannel, revealing a fitted gray t-shirt underneath as I walked over to start a fire. It was getting cooler out and this would provide some heat and a romantic atmosphere for whatever was going to happen between us. I worked my boots off and turned to look at her, letting my fantasies of control run through my mind.

She looked at the fire and smiled at me as I walked forward, cupping her face to kiss her again. It was Molly that unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her body as I eased us back towards the bed.

The room was filling with orange light from the fire, adding to the light that trickled in from the living room. I felt her drop onto the mattress and moved to kiss her jawline, nibbling softly. Molly moaned as I thumbed her nipple, finding it hard as I pressed against it. I moved down her neck, falling with her as she dropped to her back.

So willing.

I sucked on the tender neck of her skin as I spread her legs with my knees, moving down her body to kiss between her breasts. I let one hand slide between her legs, listening to her moan of pleasure as I stroked her over the jeans. “Rob,” she said softly, unaware that she’d just shortened my name in her pleasure. I liked it and increased the pressure to reward her as I sucked a nipple into my mouth. “Oh, God.” Molly reached down to unbutton her jeans, sliding them down her body as I lifted myself to allow her room, trembling with want. “Please touch me, Rob. I need to feel you.” She grabbed my hand and pressed it over the damn cotton of her underwear as I let out a groan. I dropped back to my knees and moved my fingers slowly before sucking on her other nipple, increasing the pressure as I moved the material of her underwear aside to touch her bare pussy. It was wet, smooth and I circled her swollen clit as she cried out. I never thought she’d be this naked in front of me and I teased her relentlessly, watching her ease to the edge before moving my finger away.

“Hold it, baby,” I whispered as she parted her lips and breathed deeply. I dragged my teeth lightly over her nipple as she moaned and stroked her folds, close to where she needed me the most. “Try to hold the orgasm for me.” I found her nub again, making her jump as she bit her lip.

My cock was aching to be released as I controlled my movements, watching her face. She looked like she wanted to let go and I knew that I wanted her to. I couldn’t wait any longer. I kept in mind that she was a virgin, unaware of any experience that she had before that and pressed my thumb to her clit as I slipped the tip of my finger inside of Molly. “Come for me, Molly.” She was tight and so wet and I felt her tighten around me as she screamed my name, coming hard.

Her face clenched with the initial release, her pants coming out hard and fast. I stilled, feeling her warmth wash over my finger still halfway inside of her while I reached my other hand down to rub my cock for a hint of relief. I wanted to spread her legs open and rip that underwear right from her body. I wanted to fuck her hard and deep, watching her take every thick inch of me.

Instead, I loosened my jeans and dropped onto the bed beside her with a long sigh. I knew that Molly would be tired and possibly fall asleep, which I was fine with knowing the hours that she worked. I wanted to have more of her but there would be time for that. There was no rush even though I was throbbing painfully underneath my jeans. I looked at her, seeing her slump against the mattress as she kept breathing. “I’ll get you something to drink.” I stood and walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water as I looked at the bag of food from Marta. “Do you want some cake and ice cream?” I called out, knowing that Molly would hear me. The house wasn’t that big.

“That sounds great,” she called back and I pulled the bag out of the fridge. I cut a slice of the decadent looking cake and put it on a large plate, scooping two big scoops of ice cream over it before I grabbed a spoon with a grin on my face.

Carrying everything back to the bedroom, I saw that she was curled up on the pillows watching the door. She wasn’t dressed but did have the blanket pulled over her as she looked at me. “Thanks.”

“What for?” I asked as I set the plate on the table beside the bed and opened the water, handing it to her first.

“That felt…amazing. I have been scared of being touched for a few years now but I wanted you so much. I wanted to give myself to you that way and I am glad that I did, no matter what happens from here.” She smiled and sipped the water. “The way that you told me to wait really does make it feel good. Have you always done that with women?”

I took a slow breath and gazed at her. “Sit up. I want to feed you some of this. I might spread some of this frosting on you and suck it off, too. If you’re lucky.” Her eyes widened as she scooted up with her back on the pillows and her body covered with the throw that I kept draped over the bed.

“What?” She breathed as I took the plate and broke off a piece of the cake, dipping it into the ice cream before I fed her. She took it, moaning in delight at the taste and I got myself a generous bite.

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