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Fatal Attraction (Dark Desires 4)

Page 39

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“You need to back off.” He ignores my question and warns me once more. “I need your word.”

All of a sudden, I hear a bellowing scream that makes me feel sick. It’s almost blood curdling. It shocks me so much that it takes me a couple of moments to realize that it’s coming from Cici. She might not be able to hear the whole conversation but she’d got enough to know exactly what’s going on. Our child is in danger.

“Give me my son back,” I shoot back firmly, refusing to cave to him. “And then you can have my word.”

He laughs, it sounds weird through the voice changer device. Almost sinister, out of this world. “I think we both know that you don’t work that way, don’t we? I need your word first. Then the rest can happen.”

I half wonder if he’s lying, but I can’t take the chance. He knows enough about my life to pull this lie off, but I don’t want to rest on my laurels in case. “Whatever this is, an innocent child doesn’t need to be brought in.”

“Oh, I know that, but since you won’t give me your word what other choice do I have? I can’t have you nipping at my heels forever. I want to be free to conduct my business and you are getting in the way.”

This is a fucking joke, it has to be. There’s no way in hell this man can think that this is a legitimate business and that I intend to simply let him get on with it. the drugs that he’s manufacturing and selling are ruining lives. He’s getting people addicted and creating problems that we don’t need in this town or the surrounding ones.

“Where are you?” I growl, despite the fact that I know. “I need you to give my son back now.”

“You come for me without giving me your word, then you will go the same way as your partner. I don’t think either of us want you to end up dead, do we? This isn’t personal, Yoker, it’s not that I don’t like you.”

A red mist descends in front of my eyes and I punch my desk so hard that it scrapes my knuckles. “Like me? You don’t even know me. And all you’ve done is make my life hell and I include taking my son in that.”

“Oh, Will, you really don’t know, do you?” Throughout the robotic element I can hear some sympathy there. “That’s crazy, I don’t understand how you can still not know. But so be it, you want to be blind…”

“Blind? What do you mean? What the fuck are you on about, asshole? Don’t toy with me any more…”

Then, he’s gone, leaving me with far more questions than answers. What did any of that mean? What don’t I know? Could early suspicions have been right? Maybe this is someone that I know! Then again, that hardly matters by this point. I just need to get to the laundry mat to put an end to it. I presume that he’s there, I don’t think he’s re routed the number or anything. I don’t have time to work it out anyway. I have to go now.

“What’s going on?” Cici d

emands in a shaky, panicking tone. “Where is Jordan? Is Michelle with him?”

“I don’t have time for this.” I try to push past her but she refuses to let me past. “I have to get him…”

“Stop shutting me out!” she screams, clearly hysterical. “You keep doing stuff that puts us in danger then you keep me out of it. It isn’t fair. Who has Jordan? Where is he? My friend might be in danger too…”

“You shouldn’t have left them then!” I explode like a rocket ship. The word fly out of my mouth like accusatory bullets, spraying spite and blood all over the walls. “Why did you do that? It was so dumb!”

“I thought you were dead!” A flame flickers behind her eyes. I half wonder if she’s going to lunge for me. “I had to come here because you were too fucking selfish to take my calls. But then, you never take my calls, do you? Because I’m at the bottom of your priority list! You never ignore a call from work because that’s all you care about. Well, congratulations. Look what your work has brought us. Because you refused to listen to warnings from Kingpin, because you wouldn’t even consider it when I begged you to leave, Jordan… my little baby boy who is everything to me, is now gone. In danger.” She clutches onto her stomach as if this gives her actual physical pain. “And it’s all because of you. This is all your fault and I hate you for it. I will never forgive you!”

I take a step back, almost staggering under the sheer violence of her words. She really does mean that. Right now, she truly does despise me and I can’t blame her. I feel like that myself. I don’t agree with everything that she’s said, but I have let pride get in the way. Maybe once I realized that Kingpin had his sights on my son, I should have taken a step back. I have other priorities now and it’s selfish to forget that. I can’t continue to act like a single man who only has his work on offer. I mean, if something happens to Jordan now, I’ll hardly have ever known him. That’s wrong. I love him, I’m his father, he deserves so much better from me.

I can’t do anything now though, all I can do is rescue him.

“I’m sorry.” I rest my hands on Cici’s shoulders. “I know that you must hate me and I can’t blame you, but arguing with you won’t solve anything. I have to get out there, I have to get Jordan back, it’s the only way I can make up for the hundreds of mistakes that I’ve made since our son was born. Can I at least do that?”

“I can’t trust you to do anything,” Cici spits back. “I should be the one to save him. You haven’t proven anything to me. Only that you’re useless and incapable. Leave this to me. I actually care about Jordan.”

I can not take those words in right now. She’s saying them to hurt me because I’ve hurt her. Much as I could quite easily react I refuse to. It isn’t right and it definitely isn’t fair. “Cici, stay here, I’m going.”

She grabs onto me, pinching my skin painfully as she does, and she glares right at me with pure venom in her eyes. My heart sinks as I realize there truly might not be any coming back from this. Depending on how this goes now, I might end up with literally nothing. That stings my heart and hurts me everywhere.

“Cici, please,” I say softly. We both know that I absolutely need to go. “For Jordan.”

She grips me tighter, making me wince, but then I feel her fingers loosen and she frees me from her prison. She lets me go, trusting me with the boy who connects us, the person who was supposed to bring us closer. For a moment I almost say something else. I nearly remind her that I love her, but then I turn away to take off.

As I run down the stairs, listening to the pounding of my steps as I go, I feel sicker than I’ve ever done before. It isn’t right, I shouldn’t be going through this, none of us should. This sick fuck, someone who weirdly seems to know mw, has my child and is now using him against me. Screw arresting this asshole, I’m going to kill him. After all the years of working to catch him and having my life torn to shreds, I’m gonna blow his brain out.

“Jones!” I yell out as soon as I get to the reception area. “Where is Jones? I need him.”

He didn’t see the person who shot him in the leg before, but he knows more about this douche bag than me. Plus, I’ve learned from what happened to Andre that it isn’t a good idea to go alone. But as everyone shrugs and gives me blank stares, I roll my eyes in dismay. That bastard isn’t anywhere to be found and I don’t have more time to wait. It isn’t wise but it seems that I’m tackling this alone anyway.

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