Fatal Attraction (Dark Desires 4) - Page 51

Now, I have her for sure. Cici is the one, the woman of my dreams.

I had a whole plan, there was a way that I wanted to do this, but all of that feels staged now. I just want to say it before I lose my nerve. I’ve built this up, made it something insane, but it’s time to just do it. I rise up, I make my way over to her, and I immediately drop to one knee in front of her. My fingers dig into my pockets.

“What are you doing?” Cici asks me curiously. “Have you dropped something?”

She must be the only woman in the world who wouldn’t immediately know what I’m doing, but that’s why I like her so much. Cici isn’t like anyone I’ve ever met before and I’m sure I won’t again. Finally, I find the box and I pull it free. I flick it open to reveal the emerald ring inside, sitting in a gold band.

“Cici, I told you once that I wanted to marry you, that I wanted to make you my wife, but I haven’t ever made good on that promise. That isn’t to say that my desire has lessened at all. I’ve wanted to marry you ever since I first realized that I’d fallen in love with you.” Cici claps her hand to her mouth in shock as all the jigsaw pieces fall together and she understands. “You are the most incredible woman in the world. You’re sweet, kind, caring, resilient as hell, and a kick ass mother on top of that. I couldn’t ask for more. Once upon a time, I asked you for a second chance. I wanted to be able to make up for my past mistakes and make you happy, and thankfully you said yes. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise. All I want to do is make you happy, I love seeing that smile on your face, I adore knowing that we are perfect for one another, that we can make it through.”

“Oh, Will.” Cici shakes her head as a tear streams down her cheek. “I can’t believe this.”

“Cici, plain and simple, I want you to be my wife. I want your face to be the one that I wake up to every single day. I want you to be the woman who I grow old with, I want you to be my wife.” I let out a little chuckle before I finally get to my question. It feels great to finally set it free, it’s been weighing on me for too long now. “So, what do you say? Will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to be my wife?”

Cici pauses for a beat too long, but thankfully it’s only because the emotion has caught her, not because she’s debating what her answer should be. “I can’t believe you, Will, this is so unexpected.”

“That doesn’t sound like an answer,” I tease her. “Come on, don’t leave me hanging here.”

“Of course, I will, silly”. She extends her finger and lets me slide the ring on. “As if I’d say no.”

I jump up and wrap my arms around her, holding her close to me. There was a time when it seemed like our attraction to one another might turn out to be fatal, that it was a terrible idea and that the only reason we were sticking it out was for our son. But not anymore. Now, we have a beautiful, bright future spread out in front of us, and it’s going to be wonderful. I can’t wait for me and Cici to get started towards our happy ever after.

Epilogue – Cici

The beautiful white lacy dress clings tightly to my body and swishes around my feet. It makes me feel so stunning, I absolutely love it. I wish all of my clothes were as pretty as this… not that I have time for all the fuss, I suppose. I look nice, but it took me hours and a stylist to get me to where I am right now.

“Are you okay?” Michelle asks me curiously. “You aren’t thinking about backing out, are you?”

I let out a hollow laugh. “Of course not. There’s no way! Th

is is the right thing for me to do, I’m just nervous is all. It’s pretty crazy to think that we’re here, on our wedding day, after all this time.”

“What’s crazy is that I didn’t like Will at first,” she muses. “I even tried to talk you out of it. I suppose if I knew what was going to happen with your idiot cousin and her husband, I might have still done that, but if I knew how much he was going to protect and love you, then definitely not.” She straightens down my dress and checks me all over. “I suppose he’s proof that you can change the bad boy after all.”

“I still maintain that he wasn’t ever a bad boy really. He’s a cop after all, but I know what you mean.”

Michelle reaches forward and she rests her hand on my stomach. “Well, you two are proof that anyone can find love, even in the most unsuspecting of places. Maybe Bill the guy from the supermarket will end up being my one.” She shrugs and smiles. “I suppose anything is possible, right?”

I nod, understanding her completely. “Yes, I think you’re right. Anything is possible, although I really don’t think Bill is the one for you. Judging by your tone of voice you’re already bored of him.”

“You know me too well.” Michelle nods quite seriously. “But I will find love eventually. I know that now.”

I hold her hand where it rests on my stomach. “I know that I’ve said it before, but I want to say it again. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for me, and I’m so sorry that you got caught up in all that mess.”

“Oh, don’t mention it.” She waves her hand dismissively, as if it’s nothing but I know that it isn’t. It was a nightmare, it left her traumatized for a while. She doesn’t like to speak of it now, but we both know. “It’s fine.” She rubs her hand up and down over the swollen size of it. “Now, let’s get you down that aisle before this baby comes. Your mother will never forgive me if you give birth in the dress that she made especially for you.”

“Michelle, I’m only six months along,” I laugh. “I know I look bigger because it’s twin girls, but I still have a while yet. And Mom didn’t make the dress, she just had to adjust it when we found out.”

Another surprise, but a very happy one. With Will, it’s easy to just go with the flow because we know that we can take on anything. Two more kids are no issue when we’ve faced death and come out the other side.

Michelle slips her arm through mine and she guides me towards the hall where we’re having the wedding. It won’t be a grand affair like the Annabelle and Landon had, we only have a very few people there; my mom and auntie, our friends, some of the police officers, but it’ll be so much more real. It doesn’t need to be fancy, because it’s us and our love shines through. That’s all that matters to us.

As we reach the room and I see Will at the end of the aisle, his face lights up with glee. He’s giving me that look again, the one where I can see the intense love behind his gaze. It always makes me feel incredibly special when he looks at me like that. A shiver runs up and down my spine and I can’t keep the smile off my face.

‘Hi,’ I mouth silently at him with grin.

‘Hey, he mouths back, as if this is a casual conversation. I want to laugh at how ridiculous we can be.

The music starts up and I glide as smoothly as I can down the aisle with my big baby bump while keeping my eyes fixed on him the entire time. He looks so incredibly handsome that I just want to scream. I need to yell out into the world to let them know that this man is going to be my husband. Mine forever.

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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