Fatal Attraction (Dark Desires 4) - Page 248

“You saved your company today, Chance,” she said. “And did away with the guy who was trying to screw you over. If anybody can convince some silly country girl to move to Austin to live with a billionaire, it’s you.”

“Again, it’s not that easy.”

“Then you’re a fool,” she said.

“Not helping.”

“If she doesn’t want to leave Ludwig, then why don’t you go there?” Alice asked.

“Are you out of your mind?” I scoffed. “Look what happened when I left for a couple of days. You want me to relocate?”

“Not relocate,” she said. “Commute. You don’t have to be here every day, and you don’t have to be there every day. In a couple of weeks, everything here will be back to normal, and you can plan it all better. Maybe even set up an operational branch out of Ludwig.”

“Business advice, Alice? Really?”

“Relationship advice,” she replied, “because you sound like you have no idea what to do beyond the skimpy brunette or the bimbo blonde you’re used to screwing around with.”

I smiled.

“Think about it,” she said. “We already have a unit in Houston. Open a smaller one in Ludwig. Better yet, build a company retreat there so you can write it all off. I doubt the cost would even put a dent into the company’s finances.”

No, it wouldn’t, and she wasn’t too far off. The only problem was, I had no idea if Ashlyn would want to pursue anything even if I did return to Ludwig. She had made it pretty clear that she was angry at me, and for some reason, she seemed like the kind of girl who didn’t easily forgive and forget. No matter how she felt about me.

Then call her and find out.

“I’ll think about it,” I said.

“Sure you will,” Alice said. “Just call her tomorrow, okay? You’ve been through enough today, and your mood doesn’t necessarily promise affection.”

“I said, I’ll think about it, that’s all,” I lied, and I could tell she knew. “Let’s just get this Dennis thing out of the way.”

“You’re the boss,” Alice said, placing an encouraging hand on my arm and squeezing gently. “Just don’t screw this up because you’re scared to take a chance, okay? Worst case scenario, a little heartbreak might actually bring out your humane side.” I laughed, and she rubbed my shoulder and turned to leave. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She was almost out of the office when I remembered something. “By the way, we might need to meet with the lawyers in the morning again.”


“I may have to deal with another lawsuit,” I said. “I kinda went to town on a guy in Ludwig, and he’s probably going to sue.”

“No lack of excitement for you,” Alice said. “What happened?”

“He started it,” I smiled. “I finished it.”


“Ashlyn’s ex-husband wasn’t too fond of the two of us hanging out together,” I explained. “He tried to show me how displeased he was, and I showed him how much I didn’t care.”

Alice smiled. “And you said you don’t fall for anyone?”

“Good night, Alice,” I said, turning to look back at the skyline. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

“Good night, Chance. I’m glad you’re home.”

* * *

I woke up the next morning to a message from Alice saying that the lawyers thought it would be in my best interest if I did not show up in the office today. Followed by a promise that everything was under control, she ended the message with a little reminder that I had some calls to make and plans to think about in regard to future business expansion in Ludwig, Texas.

I knew what she was talking about, and honestly felt like I could use a day of solitude, but the mere fact that I would be alone with my thoughts for hours until she came back to me with an update worried me. I eyed my bar, contemplated whether or not to make myself a drink, then decided that it was a little too early for that.

Tags: Mia Ford Dark Desires Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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