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Eating Her Heart Out

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Katie shivered, and I mentally shouted at my libido to stand the fuck down for a little longer. “I want you too, Sawyer,” she whispered with a seductive smile as she rubbed her lower body against me.


My pulse was racing, and my cock was so damn hard that I struggled to get a deep breath. Putting the brakes on at that moment should have earned me a gold medal in determination. I didn’t have a fucking clue how I managed it, but I released her and stepped back.

“But things need to be said before we take that step”—my eyes bored into hers—“and we will sure as fuck be taking it.”

Katie grimaced, and her thighs tightened—which nearly broke me—then she sighed and nodded. “You’re right. We can go up to my room.”

Since I wasn’t familiar with her sorority house, I let her lead the way up the stairs to her room. I was relieved to see only a single bed, which meant she didn’t have a roommate. I averted my eyes from the soft, flat surface.

Not the bed. Not yet.

There was also a small desk with a swivel chair pushed into it. I pointed at it and ordered, “Sit.”

Katie sauntered over to the indicated seat, and I didn’t miss the extra sway she put in her hips. I narrowed my eyes in warning when she looked back at me over her shoulder. “Behave.”

“I will,” she agreed as she sat. Then she smirked and threw my words back at me. “For now.”



A muscle bunched in his jaw as he growled, “Did you learn to move your hips like that when you were pole dancing?”

“Yeah, and I would have studied harder if I knew I’d be able to put those lessons to good use with you later, even though I didn’t know you back then.” Tilting my head to the side, I realized I’d never mentioned those classes to him. “Wait a second, how did you even know about that?”

“It was one of the stories your brother told me about you.”

I rolled my eyes at his answer even though I should’ve expected it. “Did he mention that it was a pole dancing class in the middle of the day without an audience of any kind?”

“Nope.” Some of the tension left his muscular body as he sat on the edge of my bed. “Jesse forgot to mention that part, which isn’t a surprise since it didn’t take me long to learn that he has blinders on when it comes to you. Your brother doesn’t see the woman you’ve grown into, but I do.”

Although I loved that he knew me well enough to see past the fun-loving persona, I had to wonder about the motivation behind how he’d approached whatever this thing was between us. “Is that why you decided to be my secret admirer? Because you weren’t sure about me after all the crap my brother had to say about how flighty and irresponsible I was?”

“Fuck no.” He shook his head as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “I already figured out how wrong he was about you before I left your parents’ house after Christmas.”

His denial soothed some of my hurt feelings. But not all. “Why did you do it then?”

“Jesse isn’t just my best friend. He’s also my business partner. I didn’t want to burn any bridges between us if it could be avoided.” His eyes burned into mine as he added, “When we tell him about us, I want to be able to say that we took our time getting to know each other before I made you mine. And that sure as fuck wasn’t going to be possible if I’d been anywhere near you for the past couple of months.”

That was an explanation I could accept, especially since he was risking a lot to be with me. And I couldn’t argue with the results when I had a feeling we wouldn’t have gotten to know each other half as well if we’d spent all those weeks in bed together instead. “Am I that irresistible?”

His gaze raked down the length of my body, desire smoldering in his dark blue eyes. “You’re all the way over there because if you were any closer, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“Then let’s get this conversation over with so you can touch me all you want.” I circled my hand in the air in a gesture for him to hurry up.

“If you’re cool with why I went the secret admirer route, then we’re already halfway done.” I nodded, and his lips curved into a satisfied smirk. “The only other thing I need to make sure of before I sink my cock into your tight pussy is that you understand what this means.”

A sensual shiver raced down my spine as I grinned at him. “I’m hoping it’ll mean lots and lots of orgasms. I’ve been waiting my whole life to have one that I didn’t give myself.”

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