Returning to Love (Welcome to Cupids Cove) - Page 3

“Less than ten miles out. I can’t believe I am going home and telling everyone I am pregnant,” I say distressed and becoming more scared the closer I get.

“Well, you are not really telling everyone. Just your parents and potentially Mark, right?” I scoff, the absurdity of her statement almost hilarious if it wasn't ridiculous.

“Nope. Not right. You have no idea how small this town is. Everyone literally knows everyone. The moment my car crosses the town line, the sheriff is going to pick up his phone and every phone in the town is going to ring and they will all know I am home before I even park.” I groan into the steering wheel thinking about it. Hell, I didn’t tell my parents I was coming back. In truth I didn’t tell them I was leaving.

“I’m sorry, Tiffany. I know it seems daunting, but trust me, it will be for the best. Plus, Trimble , the kids, and I will be down there in a couple of weeks for the Valentine’s shindig you hyped up while down here.”

“It will be nice to show you the town and my parents could finally meet you.” Love’s mom was my mom’s little sister that ran away from home when she was sixteen. She ‘fell in love’ with some man ten years older than her. She never came back home. She kept in touch for a while and then nothing. My mom said her parents searched for years but never found her. A few years ago, I did a 23 and Me for a school project and apparently she did it to find more family and we found each other. My mom has been chomping at the bit ever since, but between Love being perpetually pregnant and Trimble's thriving, growing business, they haven’t found the time. Seems that time is now.

My car moves through the archway of the town, and I feel all of the eyes on me. “Tiff, you got quiet. Is everything alright?” Hell no.,

“I will call you back. I’m home.” Lord help me, I’m back.

Chapter Two


“Mark, when you are done with Mrs. Marin, you can go for the day.”

“Thanks, Mr. Moon.” I look at the file in front of me and see she is here for a teeth cleaning. Thank fuck. My mind has been wandering today, and I don’t have the mental capacity for much else. I should have called off work today, knowing I was going to be distracted and not interested, but the ethics instilled in me by my father, the Mayor of Cupid's Cove, wouldn’t let me. Plus, as the only dentist in town, Mr. Moon cannot make it through the day with me, his assistant and the front desk girl. As it is he is barely here.

“Mrs. Marin. I am ready for you.” As she settles in the chair, I prep the tools and sit down.

“Are you all set for today?” I hear her, but my mind is not concerned with her question. No. I have been distracted all day by the fact that today is the first of February and that means the beginning of the Secret Valentine festivities begin. It’s something that was started years ago in town for those that were single. It was the townsfolk's way of trying to keep the mingling to a minimum with outsiders and pairing up people in the town who are not related I might add. It’s cute when you are younger and in high school and maybe have a crush. It is a way for you to tell your crush everyday how you feel about them, without revealing who you are until the reveal on Valentine's Day.

“Mr. Bishop?” I hear her say as I stare off into space.

“Yes. I am sorry. What did you ask me, Mrs. Marin?”

“Are you ready for the festivities to begin?” No.

“I am not partaking in anything this year. Now, open wide.” I don’t want to talk about this any longer than necessary. Thirty minutes later, a bag with a new toothbrush and toothpaste later, I am cleaning up and getting ready to go when my phone beeps. Ordinarily I would ignore it, but due to the time of year, I know it could be my mother or sister Lara, asking for help at the bakery. I open it, assuming one of those things, but the fact that my phone drops from my hand and clashes to the floor is proof I was way off mark. “What the fuck?” I spend a little too much time staring at my phone like it is a scorpion that has stung me, before I man up and grab it from the floor. Sure I read the text wrong, I open the message from my brother Conor again and read it.

Conor: Guess whose car has been spotted driving through town this morning.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
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