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Returning to Love (Welcome to Cupids Cove)

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“What do you understand?” I ask him, squeezing him back. Giggling, I move back when little Bishop pushes him away from me.

“Wow. I felt that,” he says chuckling. His face sobers up. “I assume he doesn’t know, huh?”

“No. I didn't tell him.”

“I didn’t raise you to run and hurt those that love you, baby girl.” I don’t bother wiping the tears from my face.

“I know that daddy. I thought I did the right thing at the time. But now, being back here, memories invading every step I take, I am not so sure,” I say, shrugging. It’s true. From the moment I crossed over Cupid’s Arch into the town, I have been assaulted with memories of the time we spent together. There is nothing in this town that doesn’t remind me of the love we shared and now, my decision doesn’t seem so justified.

“I don't know why you ran, Tiff, but he deserves better than that and so does my unborn…” his eyebrow raises as he questions the gender.

“Granddaughter,” I say, smiling rubbing my hand over my belly.

“A girl. That’s amazing, baby girl. Congratulations!” he says, hugging me once more. “Now if I were you, I would get out of here and go home before somebody spots your little package and then you won’t have the chance to rectify it.” I nod, knowing he is right. I hug him once more and walk out of the shop. I am opening my car door when my entire world shifts.

Stomping toward me…no stalking toward me like a lion with his eye on his prey is the man I ran from, but in full honesty, came back for. I look around, praying there is no one on the street to witness this little reunion but of course it is in vain. I can see my dad, face in the window watching this unfold as well as the town historian and a host of other people. Great. I am now in my own soap opera. Welcome to Cupid’s Cove.

Chapter Four


If I weren’t so fucking pissed I would take a second to admire her beautiful face. The face I have missed more than anything in the world. The wild mass of chocolate hair that used to tickle my face when she laid on top of me after a night spent riding my cock. Fuck. Even boiling mad, thoughts of her can turn me rock hard.

Her eyes dart from her car door back to me and I know she is thinking she should run, but she also knows me. I reach her in three more strides and snatch her keys from her hand. “After you,” I grit out, holding her passenger door open for her, letting her know there is no other option.

In the car, my breathing begins to even out, but my hands don't stop white knuckling the steering wheel. The only reason I am not a fire breathing dragon right now is because she is beside me, finally, after six months and her scent is filling my lungs providing relief. I look at her hands, fidgeting in her lap. My eyes land on the stomach she can’t hide, and more than anger engulfs me. I feel elation and pride that it is my kid inside of her. It was always the end game, at least for me to put a piece of myself in her and on her, announcing to everyone in this town and beyond that she belongs to me. Hell, I had even bought a house without telling her, intent on giving it to her as a surprise for our wedding that she would never agree to. You have no clue how much I had to do to make sure it stayed a secret. Especially in this town.

I know the moment she figures out we are not headed to her parents or mine. “Mark where are we going?'' Her voice is like a cool breeze on a hot and sticky day. I close my eyes allowing it to move through me, bringing my temperature down another few degrees.

“Home.” I say simply not in the mood to share anything else. Hell, she sure didn’t think to share this with me.

“Home? Whose home?” She begins to look around as we enter the subdivision. Ignoring her question, I drive to the cul-de-sac on February Court, and pull into 214. She continues to look around not sure what to make of this stop and I am not in the mood to make it easy for her. I have been in hell the last six months, wondering why she left, where she went and if she was coming back. She can wait a couple minutes.

I get out and walk around to her side. Opening her door, I hold my hand out to help her and she hesitates before placing her hand in mine. Fucking electric currents shoot straight through me, courtesy of Cupid’s Arrow, piercing the concrete I had been trying to build in her absence. It’s not like he has much to pierce. All the building I have done began to crumble the moment I found out she drove into town. “Mark.'' The whisper catches me in my chest, and I pull her gently into me, conscious of her stomach.

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