Returning to Love (Welcome to Cupids Cove) - Page 18

“Miss Isaac. Any problems I should be aware of before we start your cleaning?”

“No. Everything is fine. Well, for me maybe. I was worried about you. You know, considering.” She pauses and doesn’t finish her statement and as much as I don’t really give a shit, I am more annoyed that she is playing games.

“Considering what, Siobhan?” Her face conveys contrition and a fake concern, but I can see the twinkle of bitch in her eyes, and I know it is going to be bullshit.

“Well that she cheated on you and got pregnant by someone else and then came back home to throw it in your face. I have to say, I misjudged her all of these years. I mistook her for a goody two shoes, but it turns out she is just a common wh..”

“Don’t you fucking finish that statement, you spiteful, unhappy harpy. The only whore in this town is you and everyone knows it. Not that I need to defend anything to you, but hey, you might as well tell your gaggle of mindless drones this…Tiffany Frick and the baby she is carrying belong to me. They are both Bishops as far as I am concerned, and I dare you or anyone else in this town to say different. I have never been one to trade on my family name but fuck with me or mine and I will end you and your lowlife, money grubbing bloodline. Now get the fuck out of my office.”

I turn my back to her sputtering, indignant face and try to count to ten. I have never disrespected a woman before in my life and my mom would have my ass if she knew, but my veins filled with venom at the shit she was trying to spew, and I will always cross the line for my woman. consequences be damned. I am on my tenth attempt at counting to one hundred when a text comes through.

Tiffany: Oh my god. I can’t stop crying. I love it. Thank you so much!!!

Me: You are welcome, baby. Why don’t you call the number and make the appointment for us?

Tiffany: US? You are going to do it with me?

Me: Damn right. I want her to see her daddy celebrating her impending birth too.

Tiffany: And now I am crying harder.

Me: Baby, please stop. You know how fucked up your tears make me, and I can do fuck all about it since I have three more patients.

Tiffany: I’m sorry, Mark. I am just so happy. I love you!

Me: Always, baby. Always.

Her emotions are going to be the death of me. She had me watching some Hallmark movie and she was crying buckets by the end telling me they were happy tears. All I know is I was ready to do anything to make them go away and I did. I licked her through three orgasms and put her sexy, mushy ass to sleep. Damn hormones.

Last patient done. Damn that was a long ass day. I am merely a hygienist at this point. I graduated with B.S. and now I am in school for my DDS. That is another four years of school, though you would never know considering I am the only one in this office. The day I got my diploma, Dr. Moon basically threw me the keys and said, “Call me for any surgeries, crowns, and implants,” and walked out. He checks in twice a week and comes in to perform those things, but he pretty much gave me a run of the place so on top of school, I am working full-time. Luckily, I opted to do the non-clinical part of my DDS degree online so I could work.

As expected the square is bustling and busy with people everywhere enjoying the festivities. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Larson.” He pats me on the back, shaking his head at me.

“Where the hell have you been? You have been totally M.I.A. and you missed football night.” Shit. He’s right.

“I have been with Tiff. I am sorry I didn’t call and say I wasn’t coming.”

“So you two patched it up; that’s great buddy.”

“Thanks, pal.”

“Hey, I knew from the moment you took her on the first date she was going to be your girl. I never saw someone fall so fast. So, what is the next step?” he asks like the supportive friend he has always been.

“I am glad you asked because I do have a plan in mind, and it would work so much better if you did this part. You know, fend off the gossip mongers.”

“I got your back. Tell me what you need.”

For the next hour we sit outside the coffee shop talking as I tell him my plan. He listens intently and non-judgmentally, like the loyal guy he has always been. When I am done, he smiles the widest grin. “Well shit, Mark. When you go big you go big, huh.”

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024