Returning to Love (Welcome to Cupids Cove) - Page 20

“Yeah. When she was out there with us, I listened as she talked to Love about you and her and my gut told me it was a misunderstanding. I told her how hurtful it was to find out about TJ the way I did and that in my opinion, a guy who protected her like she said you did from bullies and anything else, would never want something other than her.”

“I appreciate that man. It gutted me when she left, but I never gave up hope.”

“I am happy for both of you. I am happy for my wife as well. Coming here, meeting her mom’s sister, it has all been good for her. I can't get up and move because of my business and my Aunt, but, I don’t know, my kids are even different here. I am thinking we could buy a house here and come back a couple of times a year and stay.”

“That would be amazing. Tiffany loves you guys. That would make her so happy for you to get to see our kids as they grow as well. I know the house next to ours isn’t owned yet and a couple more. I can get you in touch with the real estate agent.”

“That would be awesome man. Thank you.”

“Hey. What is family for?”

When we finally make it back, everything is winding down. My dad grabs my attention first. “Son, everything is set. Do you need anything else?”

“Just help getting all this stuff to the house.” I laugh and shake my head at the foyer filled with boxes and gifts. Jesus. Who knew babies needed so much?

“That is no problem. I am sure between Trim, your brother, and Tiff’s brother we have it covered.”

“Thanks dad.” Then my mom found me.

“Alright so, her mom and I have all the important stuff done. All of the appointments have been confirmed and everyone knows to be on time. I just…” she begins to sniffle, and I have to pull her into my arms.

“Mom, please don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry. I am just so proud of you, Mark. You and Tiffany. I love you both so much.”

“We love you too. Now stop it before she starts wondering why you are weeping all over the place.” She finally composes herself and I continue moving through the mansion. My eyes are scanning for my woman. I feel like I haven't seen her all day and it grates me even though I know it is for a reason.

“Just the man I was looking for. What can I do to help besides the obvious?” Love asks me, holding baby Luna in her arms. I can’t help but smile at her, thinking of my own baby girl.

“Actually, I made spa appointments and salon appointments for all of the women. My sister has successfully convinced her to come over tonight for a girl's night. I need you to keep her distracted tomorrow leading up to and make sure she puts on the dress.”

“Got it. You can count on me. I am all over it. I have to tell you that from everything she has ever said to me, I never once thought you wanted a life away from her. I told her to call you and talk to you. To tell you she was pregnant, but she wouldn’t. I am really happy it finally worked out.” She hugs me and I hug her back grateful to her for keeping my girl safe and giving her someone to talk to.

“Well, the shower is over. Let me go and get her and head to your sisters. Are you ready?” I smile and nod my head.

“I have been ready for ten years.” Finally, it’s time.

Chapter Thirteen


I feel like I am in the twilight zone. Seriously. Everyone around me is being weird. First it started with last night when I was basically kidnapped by Lara and Love and forced into a ‘girls' night, which don’t get me wrong was fun and much needed, but it seemed…planned…like orchestrated or something. I don’t know. Maybe I am being ungrateful. I think I just miss Mark. I haven’t seen him at all today and it is making me kind of grumpy. To go from going to bed with an orgasm and waking up to one to nothing… yeah. It can make a pregnant woman pissed.

I assumed he would come get me this morning, but I’m being ushered into an SUV off to God knows where and something is definitely off. “Will someone tell me where the heck we are going?” I ask the car full of women, who are currently ignoring me. I notice the two in the front exchange glances and then my cousin answers me.

“We are going to the spa. We decided you need to be pampered. You are carrying a heavy load for the first time, and we want to make you feel good.” That’s sweet. I guess.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024