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One Hot Night: A Single Dad Romance

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“I’m—” I start to say.

“Don’t say it,” she says without looking at me. “I don’t know what happened there, but it won’t happen again.”

I feel like an idiot who cannot control himself in front of a beautiful woman. Despite knowing that this is wrong, I wish that she was back in my arms. I want to taste her again and inhale her scent. I want to feel her hard nipples but with nothing between us.

I want to hear her cries of pleasure as I rub her pussy. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me? This is Vanessa. A mom. Ace’s sister-in-law.

Chapter 7


I’m a fool who never learns. I can’t believe I allowed my body to control me like that. Tears sting my eyes even though they are tightly shut. And even after that humiliation, my body still feels as if it’s been lit up. I’m aching for a man I have no business wanting.

But he made the first move, didn’t he? I replay the scene in my mind. My hug had been simply to say thank you for a lovely evening. Then somehow, we had ended up kissing and then moving to the couch. A longing to feel his mouth against mine again comes over me.

The man can kiss, and caress and…

Wetness gushes out of me. A deep ache forms between my legs. I roll onto my back and replay the evening over again. I come to the part where Logan had to leave, and I sit up in bed as it dawns on me that he could be in a dangerous situation.

Here I am fantasizing about his sexy body and he’s probably somewhere fighting a fire. I need to know if he’s okay. I wrack my brain before it hits me that the person who would have that information is none other than my sister. I grab my phone and speed dial Lexi.

She picks up on the first ring and her voice tells me that she’s not asleep.

“Hey, you’re not asleep, are you?”

“No,” she says. “Ace got a call to go into work. There’s a big fire in one of the buildings downtown. You would think that by now I’d have gotten used to it.”

I’ve never thought about how my sister copes with the stresses of Ace’s job. Right now, I’m worried about Logan and he’s more or less a stranger. I would hate to live my life worrying about his safety whenever he went to work. A shudder goes through me.

“Logan got the call too,” I say. “He got the call right after we’d finished dinner.”

Silence follows my words.

“Oh no, it’s nothing like that,” I hurry to say. “It was just a dinner to celebrate my move into the cottage.”

“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much,” my sister says in a dry tone. “Just be careful, okay?”

“Believe me, I’d never go down that road with Logan,” I tell her, hoping that my firm tone brings an end to that discussion. “I’m just worried about a friend that’s all. Will you text me if you hear from Ace?”

“I will, I promise,” Lexie says.

We say goodnight and I try to coax myself to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for me. I’ll be holding my very first class and I’m excited as well as petrified.

It’s not long before my disloyal brain conjures up an image of me seated on Logan’s lap. I’m aroused and ashamed at the memory of his big fingers rubbing my clit and the whimpers I’d made. My hand snakes in between my thighs and I rub my pussy over my panties. I imagine Logan rubbing me there again and a soft moan escapes my lips.

“Spread your legs,” Logan says in that deep voice of his. He arranges himself between my legs and rubs his big cock up and down my slit.

I arch my body, desperate for more. “Like that,” I tell him, unashamedly.

He stares down at me with those gorgeous baby blue eyes. “Do you want me to fuck you, Vanessa?”

“Yes please,” I tell him.

He doesn’t give it to me just yet. He makes as if he’s pushing his cock in but instead, he teases me with little thrusts. I raise my hips trying to nudge his cock in. Logan laughs softly in response.


Then he plunges it into me, and a cry of surprise and deep pleasure leaves my mouth. I insert one finger into my pussy and then another.

I moan as I visualize Logan fucking me hard and deeply. He holds my gaze as we move together and our cries of pleasure surround us, like beautiful music. I move my fingers faster and faster.

The waves of pleasure in my belly intensify and a coil forms in my core. I’m moving closer to the edge until I’m teetering on it. I fuck myself harder. Logan lifts my legs to his shoulders and rams his cock into me.

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