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One Hot Night: A Single Dad Romance

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I tease her with my tongue, dipping it deep into her pussy, withdrawing it, and flicking her clit. My movements grow more frantic as her cries become louder. She rocks her hips against me as she draws closer and closer to her release.

“Oh God, Logan, please…” Her voice is hoarse.

I tongue-fuck her faster and faster until she explodes in my mouth, her wetness gushing out of her into my tongue. My cock goes wild and as Vanessa’s orgasm ebbs away, I pull her up.

“I want to see your tits bouncing as you ride me,” I growl.

“I like it when you’re so forceful,” she says as she straddles me and grips my cock.

I grip her ass and gently lower her onto my cock. “Fuck. You feel so hot, so wet, so tight.”

My cock pushes through her folds into the heat of her pussy as she sinks deeper until I’m buried to the hilt. Her pussy milks my cock, gripping it tightly as she rides me.

This woman has captivated my body and soul. I’ve never thought that about a woman before. Not even with Lisa. This thing with Vanessa is different. She feels like a part of me when we make love. As if it was meant to be, which is stupid considering the baggage we both carry.

But none of that matters right now as I derive pleasure from her beautiful body. I reach out to play with her breasts as she grinds into me as if wanting my cock deeper. I tug on her nipples, and she arches her chest, filling my hands with her breasts. Her movements grow more frantic, and I shift my hands to her hips. I thrust upward while pushing her hips down and she cries out every time my balls hit her ass.

Then suddenly, Vanessa screams as she tumbles over the edge, her pussy clenching tighter around my cock.

“You look so fucking gorgeous when you’re coming.” I reach between her legs to stoke her clit. It’s swollen and when I touch it Vanessa whimpers as though experiencing a second orgasm.

Instead of collapsing on me like I expect her to, Vanessa lifts herself off and goes on all fours. “Don’t tell me you’re out of stamina.”

“Hell no,” I growl moving behind her. “I was giving you time to recover.”

She laughs softly. “I can go all night with you, handsome.”

“Is that a dare?”

She laughs in response, but her laughter soon dies in her throat when I spread her cheeks and lap at her slit with my tongue. Her pussy is still hot and soaked with her juices. My cock is aching to be inside her, but I want to be sure that she’s ready for me again.

My cock throbs with need and leaks precum. She bucks her hips and I know that she’s ready. I grip my cock and guide it to her sweet pussy. I suck in a breath as my cock disappears into Vanessa’s pussy.

“Feels so good,” she says. “So full. I love your cock, Logan,” Vanessa says and I chuckle softly.

“My cock loves you too.” I dig my fingers into her thighs and drive my cock in and out of her. I slap her ass gently and she cries out.

“Fuck me, Logan,” Vanessa moans as my cock throbs and pulses inside her.

I fuck her faster and harder.

“I’m going to come,” she says.

I’m too fucking gone to answer. I’m close too and I pump into her furiously, each thrust taking me closer to my orgasm. My cock swells and my balls tighten. Sweat pours down my face. I only give in to my release when Vanessa explodes and screams my name.

Only then do I roar my release and fill up her pussy with my cum. I pump until I’m completely emptied out and then I gently pull out my semi-hard cock. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and as I clean myself up, I try to make sense of what is happening.

I never believed I’d ever fall in love again, but this has to be it. Vanessa has invaded my whole world and in a short time, she has become the center of it. Fear clutches at my chest as it dawns on me how vulnerable I’ve left myself to her.

What if she goes back to Ivy’s dad, where will that leave me? Crushed, that’s for sure. So much for keeping my feelings in check. Vanessa doesn’t know this, but she has captured every part of my heart.

I try to think through it logically. The chances of her going back to that scum are pretty slim. He lied to her about his marital status. That’s huge and I doubt many women would forgive something like that.

But he’s Ivy’s dad, a voice screams inside my head.

Envy for that bastard comes over me. I wish I was Ivy’s dad.

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