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One Hot Night: A Single Dad Romance

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I have to be brave. I’m not the first single mother who shares her child with an ex-lover or husband. Loads of people co-parent these days, all for the welfare of the child. That’s what I need to remember. It’s all for Emma. I can’t go back to sleep even though it’s not even six yet. I start my weekend chores, cleaning up the house and trying to be very quiet so as not to interrupt Ivy’s sleep.

Ivy wakes up at seven which is a nice distraction from my thoughts. We go through our morning routine and at nine, Logan brings Emma over for a visit. It’s fun to watch the babies playing alongside each other on the rug while Logan and I chat.

At eleven, after they’ve had their milk, we get them into their strollers and go for a walk around the neighborhood. I cannot seem to relax. My stomach muscles are tight with tension and every so often, nausea rises up my throat.

“Time is moving too fast,” I tell Logan as we walk back home.

“You know, you don’t have to do it this way if you don’t want,” Logan says. “You could have him visit with Ivy in the cottage.”

“I don’t want him coming over here and it sounded like his wife wanted to meet Ivy too,” I tell him.

“Relax,” Logan said. “If he doesn’t have her back by six, we’ll go and get her. Okay?”

I smile at him gratefully. “Thanks. I’d go crazy if I was doing this alone.”

“It’s only scary because it’s the first time. The next time, it’ll be a breeze,” Logan says.

We part ways and I take Ivy into the cottage for her lunch and a nap. I hover over her as she sleeps unable to do anything else. When she wakes up, I change her into fresh clothes and then feed her some fruit. She won’t have to eat anything at her dad’s place. That sounds weird but I’d better get used to it. I check her bag again, to ensure that everything is there. Her diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, and her milk.

Then my phone rings and when I see Gabriel’s name, my heart skips a beat.

“I’ll bring her out,” I tell him in response to his curt words that he’s waiting outside.

What was I thinking about wanting him in our lives? I wonder as panic grips me again.

I inhale deeply and just as I pick her up from her playpen, there’s a light knock at the door and then it swings open. Logan strolls in and relief surges through me. “I’ll carry her,” he says, and I hand him, Ivy, gratefully. I’m not sure my feet would have carried us out.

I grab her bag and trail after Logan and Ivy.

“That him?” Logan says gesturing at Gabriel leaning against his car.

“Yes.” The words are barely audible.

Gabriel’s inscrutable gaze is on Logan.

“Gabriel,” I say and proceed to introduce Logan as my boyfriend. The two men nod at each other, but you feel the tension between them.

“We’ll be waiting for her at six, latest,” Logan says.

“She’ll be here,” Gabriel says and opens the back passenger seat where a brand-new car seat is waiting.

Chapter 37


Delicious sensations dart from my nipples to my pussy as fingers circle one before moving to the other. I’m caught in that space between sleep and wakefulness. I let out a moan as arousal spreads through my whole body. If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up from it.

Soft lips plant kisses on my shoulder and back, pulling me into consciousness. I inhale Logan’s masculine scent and smile. His kisses go lower and lower until he’s planting them on my ass cheeks, and I giggle. My laughter dies in my throat when he gently turns me to lie on my back.

My skin heats up everywhere his lips touch. He spreads me wide and then with a hiss, I feel his tongue on me. I raise my hips to meet the lap of his tongue. He uses his thumb to rub delicious circles on my clit, increasing the speed each time. I jerk my hips upward as an orgasm draws near. The next thing I know, all thought is drowned out as convulsions shake my body. Before I can recover, Logan drapes his body over mine and slowly pushes his cock inside me. I let out a long loud groan. God, it feels good to have him inside me; as if a deep ache is finally being satiated. My hands roam over his muscled back, down to his tight ass as it clenches and unclenches. I lose track of everything except the feel of our bodies joined as one. Sweat drips down our bodies. Logan’s thrusts become harder and faster and then I’m tumbling over the edge, calling out his name as I come noisily.

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