Greatest Fight of All - Page 17

The music stopped and she gave him a friendly smile. She hoped she was doing a good job at masking her desire and need for this man. “Thanks for the dance, Royce.”

He looked down at her with such heat in his brown eyes that her belly had butterflies dancing around inside. She felt dizzy with the wave of desire that hit her. She couldn’t do this again. She cleared her throat and started walking back to her table. Royce held her arm, stopping her from moving.

“Jessy, can we talk?”

“Why? You explained already that you don’t want me, Royce,” she told him, trying to keep the sadness out of her voice. She wanted to sound unaffected but she wasn’t sure she could pull it off. “What else is there to talk about?”

“I never said I didn’t desire you, Jessy. I do.” His voice was clear and firm.

She nodded. She had felt his erection trying to break free from his jeans when he held her close on the dance floor. He desired her, he just didn’t want a commitment. “Yes, but you want a casual one-night stand occasionally and I want more. You don’t want to settle for one woman when you can have variety. You got hurt so now you’re too scared to try again.”

He looked frustrated with her snotty remarks, but she didn’t care. He hurt her d

eeply and she didn’t want to settle for his friendship.

“I know now is not the place too hash this out, but can I call you later?” he asked with a determined look. Too bad he hadn’t used that determination to fight for her from the beginning.

Before she could give him an answer, one of the girls who had been talking with Sam and Blake came up to him and gave him a flirtatious look. “You’re King Sanders? Your friend Rage said you wouldn’t mind giving me an autograph and maybe dancing with me.”

Jessy rolled her eyes and moved away. She headed back to the table. Martin was just arriving himself. “Those guys are pretty funny,” he said, pointing to the group now sitting with Jared.

She smiled. “Yeah, they are. Rage and Steele are like brothers to me. Adam and Jackson are the new guys but so far they are nice, too.”

She grabbed Martin’s hand and the beer. She didn’t want to sit alone. A crowd would help her take her mind off Royce and his little chat on the dance floor.

“Let’s go join them at their table,” she said loudly over the music so he could hear her.

She regretted her words when she saw Royce was there with the young groupie sitting next to him. She sat across from him and next to her dad. Tom had left already, saying it was past his bedtime. Personally, Jessy thought he hated the loudness of the club. She knew her dad would head out soon, too. He usually drank a few beers before heading home.

She ignored Royce completely. She gave Martin all her attention and danced with him and Sam a few times. Royce never asked her to dance again but she felt his eyes on her all night long. Why was he being so confusing? He had made it clear he liked casual sex only. What was left to talk about? She stayed out of his way, only talking to him when it was business.

She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing she was jealous. The blonde girl was hanging on his arm tightly and Royce just sat there basking in her awe. What a jerk!

There were a million or more men on this planet. Why was she stuck on one man? One who didn’t know the meaning of faithfulness?

Chapter 15

Jessy’s head was pounding and she regretted even coming in today. She had drank way more than she wanted to, but at least by the end of the night she didn’t have to pretend she was having fun. She was. Martin had been a great date. They had a shared a small, casual kiss at her front door, but it didn’t set her body on fire.

Jessy looked up when she heard her office door open. She saw Royce standing in the doorway looking cheerful and happy. His short hair still looked wet and his gray T-shirt clung to all his muscles, making her mouth water at his rugged sexiness.

“What is it, Royce?” she said, not caring if it sounded rude. After seeing that blonde girl hanging on him all night she was in no mood to be friendly with him.

He smiled and handed her a cup of coffee. “Overdo it a little last night?”

She grabbed the coffee and drank some before answering. “Maybe. But I am not training, so…”

“I called you, at least three times,” he informed her, sitting down across her desk.

Jessy shrugged, hoping he would go away and leave her to her misery. “I don’t answer calls from friends after midnight. Is there something you need to talk about? I’m working on Jackson and Blake’s schedule if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It has nothing to do with work,” he said firmly, looking a little anxious.

“Just because you saved my sanity with coffee doesn’t mean I feel like talking, Royce.” She knew she was grouchy but she didn’t care. She was not in the mood for pretending today.

He grinned. “You’re cute when you’re grouchy. Your cheeks turn all red.”

“Get lost, King Royce,” she muttered. “You had fun last night with your little groupie, so why shouldn’t I?”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025