Greatest Fight of All - Page 24

“If he is so worried, why isn’t he back here?” Jessy pouted. Between her dad and Royce all she could do was lift a pencil by herself. She appreciated their concern, but she didn’t need them hovering over her all day. She really was almost back to one hundred percent.

“Lucia is here watching Gabe before her shift starts,” he explained. Lucia had been coming by a lot to see Gabe work out, but she had a feeling she liked running into her dad, too.

Jessy smiled, feeling happy to hear that. After that night Lucia had cooked dinner, she had cooked for them again. This time she invited Tom, Sam, Blake, Jackson, and Adam. It had been a fun night with them playing cards. Her dad was more relaxed now and she was sure she could step back and let him pursue Lucia on his own. She really liked Lucia and Gabe and she hoped they became family. Her dad had been alone for too many years and he deserved some happiness.

“I should go and say hi.” Jessy stood up and went around her desk. Royce stopped her from walking out the door. He pulled her into his chest and kissed her lips, taking her mouth in a hot kiss that had her moaning with pleasure. He grinned when he saw her glazed eyes. “I love that look on you, Jess.”

“What look?” Her brain was having a hard time focusing on anything besides tearing his clothes off and locking her office door.

“Happiness,” he said simply, patting her butt gently. “Now let’s go say hi.”

Jessy followed behind him, feeling bemused. Royce treated her like fragile glass and although she understood his concern she wanted to make love with him again but she didn’t know how to let him know.

She heard cheering and clapping and saw Gabe in the ring with Sam. Her dad had his arm around Lucia’s shoulder as she cheered for her son. Jessy sat next to her and Lucia turned to smile at her. She patted Jessy’s leg in a greeting and it felt so motherly that Jessy almost cried. Lucia was constantly trying to take care of Jessy and make sure she was eating something besides Jared’s sandwiches.

Jessy looked at Gabe instead and was amazed at how much he had filled out. He was no longer skinny and he was slowly building his muscles. “Wow, Dad. He’s got talent, doesn’t he?”

Jared smiled proudly. “I knew the kid had it in him all along.”

Lucia leaned her head on Jared and sighed. “I can’t believe the changes in him. He is more at peace now and not so angry.”

Jared looked over Lucia’s head. “Now that you’re here, honey, will you help me convince Lucia that she and Gabe should come to Vegas with us?”

Jessy smiled widely and pleaded with Lucia. She grabbed a hold of her hand. “It will be fun, Lucia. I will have another woman there and we can go shopping. Gabe will see how exciting it is to be involved in this sport and it will encourage him.”

Jessy could see the indecision on Lucia’s face and knew she was worried about money. As a waitress it would be hard to buy two plane tickets. “The tickets and rooms will be taken care of. Dad gets a huge suite with double rooms, so me and you can bunk together. Gabe can bunk with the guys. He’ll love that.”

Lucia looked at Jared with hesitation yet excitement in her eyes. “Are you sure, Jared?”

Jared kissed her hand. “I wouldn’t have invited you if I didn’t want you there. You should know by now how straightforward I am. I like you Lucia, very much, and I want us to get to know each other better. This will be a bonding experience for us and our kids.”

Lucia gave him a soft smile and put her hand to her chest. She nodded. “I would love to go and I already know the kind man you are, Jared.”

Jessy couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. She clapped and shouted “yes” really loud. Her dad huffed, but Jessy could see the joy in his eyes. Lucia giggled as Sam and Gabe came over.

“What’s the celebrating for?” Sam asked, wiping the sweat off his neck with a white towel and placing it around his neck. He gave them all a curious look. “Did one of you win the lottery?”

“We’re going to Vegas,” Lucia announced happily, and Gabe started cheering, too.

Chapter 20

As soon as they checked into their usual hotel, Jessy sat on the leather couch in their suite. She didn’t want to admit it, but the trip had tired her out.

She told her dad to go ahead and take Lucia and Gabe out for dinner. Neither of them had been here before and they were both so excited. She would order room service and relax. With everyone sitting together, the dinner would be loud and boisterous and she just didn’t have the energy. She changed into light sleeping shorts and matching camisole.

“Hey, babe,” Royce greeted her softly as soon as he spotted her. He showed her a plastic key card he used to get in the room. “Your dad said you were tired. I told him I would make sure you ate dinner.”

She nodded. “I guess I’m not a hundred percent yet. You can go with them, Royce. I don’t want to ruin your first night here.”

He sat next to her and gathered her in his arms. She leaned on his chest and loved hearing his heartbeat. His hand was running through her loose hair and she loved the feeling of having him touch her. “No way. I would rather be here with you. And the fact that we are all alone is a bonus.”

Jessy gathered her courage. She was tired of worrying if his intentions were true or not. He was here with her now and she craved to feel his touch was again. If he changed his mind down the road then she would deal with it like a big girl. “Could we go to your room and order room service and then go to bed together?”

His grin showed her he was all for her plan. He wrote a note for her dad and picked her up in his arms. “Thank God I am two doors down. How about we eat naked, saves us time.”

Jessy laughed all the way down the hallway. “Sounds like a plan.”

He set her down on his large king-size bed. He picked up the house phone and dialed the kitchen. Jessy lay against the pillows as he ordered for her. He knew just what she liked to eat. He hung up and gathered her in his arms. He sighed and rubbed her arm up and down in a slow caress. It sent small goose bumps up and down her arm.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025