Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 8

“Ben? Thanks for the flowers, it was a sweet gesture,” she said softly, touching the soft petals of the flowers, and she couldn’t stop from smiling or feeling butterflies in her stomach. So much for staying strong, she mumbled to herself.

“You’re welcome, honey,” he answered, his voice softening. “I can’t wait to see you in person. You’re in my dreams every night but I need more.”

“I miss you, too, Ben,” she admitted honestly, her heart melting at his honest words. Ben had been part of her life for more years than she could remember and it hurt to be mad at him. Why was lov

e so complicated? she wondered.

“I made reservations for dinner tomorrow night in Austin. If I hadn’t already told Stan he could have tonight off, I’d see you tonight,” he explained with regret.

She didn’t want to tell Ben about the baby yet, not until they straightened things out between them. She wanted Ben to want her for herself and not out of obligation. “I understand, Ben. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m excited.”

“Pick you up tomorrow around five thirty then,” he said cheerfully, hanging up the phone with a big grin. Tomorrow Hannah would be his again and this time he was keeping her.

Chapter Six

Hannah was filling out the paperwork for another adoption. Grace was volunteering today and was giggling as the dog tried to run away from his bath.

“Get back here, you bad dog.” Grace laughed, grabbing the small, black-haired dog by his collar. “Now I need a bath, too. I stink like a wet dog.”

Hannah chuckled as she watched the scene with amusement. “Yeah. I don’t think that smell will incite another romantic evening with my brother.”

Grace looked at Hannah once the dog bath was over and Richard took the dog to get dried. “Probably not. So where is Ben taking you? I am so glad to see you smile again, Hannah.”

“I’m not sure, he wants to surprise me. Thanks again, Grace, for coming in and doing this. Amy is at school today and I did not want to get this dress all wet and smelly. I would hug you but…”

Grace laughed, grabbing a towel to dry her hands, admiring Hannah’s pretty pink summer dress and silver sandals. “That’s what sister-in-laws are for.”

It took a moment for Hannah to catch the phrase. Then she gasped and screamed. “Oh my God. He finally did it? My brother proposed?”

Grace laughed and showed off her ring by waving her hand dramatically in the air. “Last night Jackson took me to Chez Zee in Austin. It was so romantic, Hannah, with pretty white lights everywhere and soft music playing in the background. I’ll never forget it.”

Grace put her hands up when Hannah went to hug her and shook her head and blew an air kiss at her instead. “Don’t ruin your pretty dress. Tomorrow me and you can hang out and we can hug and scream and plan a wedding. You will be my maid of honor, right?”

“Yes, it’s a date.” Hannah smiled broadly. “I am so happy for you and Jackson. I already think of you as my sister, but this will make it official.”

“What date? I better be your only date, Hannah Hawthorne,” a deep voice said behind her, making her jump in fright.

Ben wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her in a silent apology. “Sorry, honey. I thought you heard the front door open but I guess with all the screaming going on back here, you didn’t.”

Hannah looked over her shoulder and smiled at Ben. He looked mouthwateringly handsome in black jeans and a crisp white buttoned shirt. His brown hair was combed neatly away from his face and he looked happy. “I have a date with Grace tomorrow. Jackson finally proposed and we have a wedding to talk about.”

Ben looked at Grace’s ring and whistled, making her blush prettily. “Great news, sweetheart. I’ll call Jackson later and congratulate him. But for now we’d better get going. I made reservations.”

After saying their good-byes, Ben led Hannah out to his Jeep and drove to Austin. Hannah sat next to Ben, feeling nervous and anxious as if she was on a first date. She loved seeing the city look alive even at night with all its bright lights and cars driving to different places. Everything in Bear Creek closed early and the town was dark and quiet after nine p.m.

Ben took her to an Italian restaurant called Romeo’s where she had never been before. It was located on a busy street but he found a parking space with ease.

“I hope you like it here. I know you love Italian food.” Ben smiled, holding her hand as they walked into the quaint little brick building and he gave his name at the front counter. The hostess led them outside to an outdoor patio filled with tables with lit candles in the center. The small table was near the door so they could hear the live piano music being played inside. Hannah was so delighted with the romantic atmosphere and beamed at Ben. “This is so wonderful, Ben. I have never been here before and I just love it. It’s so romantic.”

Ben reached across the table and held her hand tightly. “I’m glad you like it, honey. Stan brings his wife, Janice, here on special occasions and recommended it to me. I’m glad I finally did something right.”

Hannah frowned sadly as she looked over at Ben’s handsome face. “Ben, I don’t mean to be difficult. If I didn’t care about you I wouldn’t feel so possessive and jealous. If you say you are not interested in Dorothy then I believe you. I know she doesn’t give up and I really can’t blame her. You are too sexy for your own good.”

“We’ve been friends forever, haven’t we, Hannah?” he asked seriously, and Hannah nodded.

“Maybe we should wipe the slate clean and get to know each other as lovers now,” he suggested, kissing her knuckles softly and giving her a sexy wink over the burning flames of the candle. “Tonight is about you and me as lovers, not as childhood friends.”

“I’d like that very much,” Hannah agreed with a soft dreamy smile. The music was relaxing and Hannah leaned back in her chair. “This place is a good start. I hope we come again.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025