Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 11

“Too perfect, if you ask me, like a Stepford wife,” Sammie agreed and shuddered.

Hannah shrugged, picking at her food. She had lost her appetite talking about Dorothy and Ben. “I don’t know for sure because if I did, I wouldn’t wait for Ben to deal with her. I’d track her down and make her pay for my tires. I have no other enemies and Ben said he made it clear with D

orothy he was dating me and for her to leave him alone and then this happens. Mighty suspicious, isn’t it?”

Grace and Sammie nodded, both women gave Hannah a concerned look.

“Watch your back, girlfriend,” Sammie warned and walked away to take care of another customer coming into the café.

“Jackson took your truck to Robert’s garage to get it repaired,” Grace said, grabbing Hannah’s hand. “Just be careful, Hannah, okay?”

Hannah regretted telling Grace. She was still dealing with the aftermath of her ex- boyfriend’s vicious attack on her and kidnapping her a few months ago. Grace was going through counseling and still dealt with her fears on a regular basis. Hannah grabbed Grace’s hands. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m going home early today. I have some horses to look at out on the ranch. Don’t worry, Grace. Between Billy, Ben, and Stan, they’ll figure it out.”

Grace nodded and gave Hannah a reassuring smile. “I know. I guess I still get scared easily. Dr. Usher assures me I am normal, but I find it hard to believe sometimes.”

Hannah grabbed her bill and got up, giving Grace a big hug and leaving Sammie a generous tip. “You are normal, Grace. Anyone would have fears to deal with after what that asshole James did to you.”

Hannah called the garage to make sure her truck was ready after work. She walked the two blocks to the garage and picked up her truck. When she asked Mr. Roberts how much she owed him he told her Ben had paid him already and handed her the keys. Hannah was irritated but just smiled at the man. “Okay, thanks.”

She fumed all the way home. Ben was probably regretting the fact that he made her mad by defending Dorothy. She knew Ben was an honest man and was telling the truth when he said he had no interest in dating Dorothy. The problem was that Ben was chivalrous to a fault. He had been raised by his single mom who had taught him to always treat women gently. Hannah couldn’t fault him for that, it was a great trait to have. But it also blinded him to the truth. He couldn’t see Dorothy as anything but a woman interested in dating him. She took out her cell phone and dialed Ben’s number once she was in her room and could talk privately.

“Hi, baby. Still mad at me?” he asked right away before she could yell at him.

Hannah sighed, not wanting to start another argument. She hated arguing. “No, Ben. Thanks for the tires, but I could have paid for them.”

“I wanted to, I like knowing I can take care of my woman,” he answered firmly. “You sound tired, honey. Did I wear you out last night?”

“I am a little sleepy after my late night with this amazing lover,” she whispered with a smile on her face, forgetting her irritation for the moment. “So now I am going to take a nap before I work on the ranch.”

“Amazing, huh? So amazing you want to repeat it?” he asked in a hopeful voice.

Hannah giggled then ruined it by yawning. “I would but not tonight. I need a good night’s sleep but I’ll see you tomorrow for sure.”

“Okay, honey, I really am sorry about what I said this morning,” Ben replied with a heavy sigh. “I should have thought before I spoke.”

“I know, Ben, it’s okay. I will see you tomorrow.” She was too tired to argue with him. She wouldn’t be able to hide her pregnancy from Ben or her family for much longer. Hannah hung up the phone and felt the weariness overtake her. She laid her head on the pillow and fell right to sleep, forgetting all about her problems for a little while.

Chapter Eight

Hannah walked the few blocks from the shelter to Randy’s Bar. Ben was meeting her there for their date. He said he wanted to dance with her. Ben loved dancing. She had been so busy all week between work and meeting with Grace to make wedding plans that they had only talked on the phone and had one quick lunch together at the station. She was excited to see him and tonight she would tell him her big news. It made her nervous but it was time to tell Ben he was going to be a daddy. Hopefully his reaction would be positive. It had been so hard not to tell her family but she wanted Ben to know first.

She walked into the dark bar and felt the cool air hit her face. The music was playing loud and she scanned the bar until she spotted her handsome sheriff waiting at a small table. He smiled and waved to her.

He stood up, looking sexy in his dark blue jeans and white polo shirt. He hugged her tightly and enthusiastically, lifting her off the ground. “I’ve missed you like crazy, honey.”

Hannah leaned toward him and kissed his lips lightly, tasting the beer he was drinking. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy, but tonight I am all yours, handsome.” She pulled her chair so they were sitting close together. The bar was busy as usual. Since Bear Creek was such a small town there was not much to do besides outdoor activities and that made the bar a popular place to socialize and meet up with friends.

“Hungry?” he asked.

Hannah nodded, rubbing her stomach eagerly. “I want some fries with ketchup.”

“That’s all, baby? You need more than that to eat. I have plans for you later that require energy.” He grinned, kissing her neck playfully.

Hannah giggled, not wanting to admit that food didn’t stay in her stomach. “I had a big lunch, Ben.”

He got up and walked over to the bar to order her fries and himself a burger, fries, and another beer. While he was gone, a drunken cowboy walked over to Hannah and looked over her body, especially her breasts, which seemed to be getting bigger by the day.

“Let’s dance, cutie. I haven’t seen you here before.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025