Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 25

Ben entered her pussy in one stroke, feeling the tightness and wetness that allowed him entry right away. He lifted her legs higher making her say “Oh yes, I like that. I can feel you so deep inside of me.”

Ben pumped into her over and over setting a rhythm that drove them both crazy. He closed his eyes and letting the fire building inside of him wash through his body and engulf him. He couldn’t get enough of her body or the passionate little noises she made that showed him she enjoyed his touch. There was no pretense in Hannah, she didn’t play games. If she like what he was doing she let him know and sometimes loudly. He loved that about her. Who was he kidding? He loved all the parts that made Hannah who she was, strong and fiery like a tornado yet so soft she melted at his slightest touch and bold enough to demand he make love to her.

“I love you, Hannah,” he said once he was calm enough to talk again. “Always have and always will.”

“Me, too, Ben,” she whispered back, feeling completely relaxed and fell into a deep sleep in his arms.

* * * *

The phone ringing woke them up in the middle of the night. Hannah mumbled and snuggled back into the pillow tiredly, letting Ben deal with it.

“Boss, it’s Billy. You’d better get to the shelter. Someone set it on fire,” the voice said grimly.

“Shit,” Ben said, jumping out of bed, and putting on his jeans, and looking over at Hannah, who had overheard the conversation and was now wide awake and looking scared. “I’ll be right there.”

Hannah sat up, ready to get dressed. “I’ll go with you.”

Ben sat next to her on the bed and kissed her forehead. “Baby, I will take care of everything. I’d rather you stay here and be safe and not get upset. First thing in the morning I will take you over there, I promise. Right now it will be chaos and you’re just getting better.”

Hannah sighed knowing Ben was right. The last thing she needed was to get her blood pressure back up. She’d never be out of this bed again. “Okay, Ben. I love you, be careful.”

“I love you, too, honey. I will lock the door behind me.” He kissed her lips lightly. “Thanks for trusting me to handle this.” He left in a hurry with the cell phone in his hand.

Hannah laid back down but felt too agitated to fall asleep. She got up and dressed. She sat on the couch to wait for Ben, feeling scared for all the poor animals. Who would do such an awful thing?

Hannah was holding a pillow to her chest and dozing off when a noise disturbed her. She opened her eyes and looked around the quiet living room. There was a thunderstorm coming so it could be the wind was picking up. She got up and peeked out the living room window. It was dark and quiet out there but she felt apprehensive for some reason. She was about to close the curtain when a shadow passed by the back porch. She looked closer. Someone dressed all in black was creeping up the back porch.

Hannah gasped and closed the curtain. She ran for Ben’s bedroom, closed and locked his door. She grabbed the bedside phone and dialed Ben’s cell with a shaky hand while throwing her shoes on in case she had to run for it.

“Hannah?” he answered. “What’s wrong, honey?”

“Someone is outside of the house. I just saw them through the window but it’s too dark to see their face. What should I do, Ben?” she whispered into the phone with fear. She was more worried about the baby than herself. She could defend herself but not at the cost of hurting her baby.

She heard Ben yelling to Stan and Billy then he answered her. “Where are you?”

“In your room. I locked the door,” she whispered into the phone, hearing her own heart frantically beating and

feeling sweat gather on her forehead.

“Good girl. Me and Billy are on our way so just stay there. If you hear them breaking in, just hide in the closet so they won’t find you,” he told her. She could hear his Jeep turning on and he was driving as he spoke. “Don’t come out until you hear my voice.”

Hannah hung up the phone. She quietly listened for any noises. She heard footsteps in the kitchen. A lot of the floorboards creaked when you stepped on them. How was that possible? She had never heard glass break or the door kicked in?

“Hannah? I know you’re here alone. Ben is at the shelter so save us both a lot of trouble and come out and face me.”

“What the hell? Was that Dorothy?” Hannah said to herself. That woman had to be looney to break into Ben’s house like this. Hannah debated whether or not to go out and confront her or stay hidden. She could take Dorothy in a fight but now she had a baby to worry about and obviously Dorothy was insane.

She could hear Dorothy opening doors and yelling in frustration. “Hannah, just come out here and we can talk. That’s all I want to do is talk. I promise not to hurt you.”

Hannah stayed quiet, deciding to wait for Ben. Her instinct was to go out and confront the woman who had caused her so much grief. She couldn’t take the chance of harming the baby so she stayed put.

Dorothy finally reached Ben’s bedroom and turned the knob but it was locked. “I know you’re in there, Hannah, so just come out. Ben is mine. You trapped him by getting pregnant and that’s not fair!” Dorothy yelled, kicking at the door in a crazy fit of temper.

Hannah looked around for a weapon but there wasn’t much on Ben’s dresser or nightstand. Maybe the lamp would have to do. From now on she was keeping her shotgun with her at all times. This was the second time she had needed it and it was sitting at home. You’d think a sheriff would be armed to the teeth.

“Remind me to lecture your papa on that subject,” she told the baby, rubbing her stomach in a soothing motion.

“Dorothy, put your hands up in the air!” she heard Ben yell firmly and let out a big sigh of relief. The cavalry was finally here.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025