Claiming Hannah (Bear Creek, Texas) - Page 27

Pastor Jones had come out to the ranch to perform the service and the vows they said to each other still filled her with such strong emotion that she couldn’t think of it without tears of joy falling down her face. It had been a perfect day that she would never forget, even when she was old and gray. They had postponed having a honeymoon until after

the baby was born. Grace and Ida were already eagerly anxious to watch the baby while they were gone.

She could envision her kids and Grace’s kids running around the yard, playing noisily sometime in the future. She sighed happily at that thought.

“We both have tomorrow off,” Ben said and even though she wasn’t looking at him she could feel his smile. She had cut her hours down at the shelter now that the minor damage the fire had caused had been repaired by the insurance company and it was open again. Thanks to Billy and Stan they had gotten all the animals out. Amy had received her license and Hannah hired another helper, a young woman from Dallas that was looking to relocate and had been an assistant in a veterinarian’s office.

“What would you like to do? We promised Jack and Grace we’d go pick out pumpkins at the Johnson farm,” she reminded him. Halloween was right around the corner and she loved the whole spookiness and fun of the holiday. When she discovered Grace felt the same way they had screamed in excitement and started making plans to have another party at the creek complete with decorations and costumes. Ben and Jackson grumbled but wisely kept their mouths shut.

Hannah felt him nod. “Not until the evening, so I say we lock the doors and stay naked all day long.”

Hannah giggled, playing along and teasing him. “But what will we do all day long?”

He tickled her side, making her laugh. “Let me give you a preview.” He put his hand underneath her shirt and cupped her breast, playing with her nipple slowly. He loved the fact that they were so sensitive and he could drive her crazy and to orgasm just by playing with them, which he did often. He tilted her head toward him and leaned down to kiss her deeply, making her heart rate pick up speed and sound like a runaway train.

“Okay, you talked me into it,” she agreed in her Texas twang that he loved to hear.

Ben smiled contently and tightened his hold on her, feeling the happiness reach all the way down to his soul. His little Texas tornado wasn’t going anywhere. He intended to hold on to her forever.


Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025