Here Without You (Red Hook 4) - Page 4

Nancy came out to the scene. She still looked upset. This was going to be the main topic for quite some time. “Let’s get you in and take a look at that wound, Holly. You are bleeding.”

Nancy dragged her back inside just as Matt removed his sunglasses. She caught sight of Matt’s eyes. He looked like he wanted to follow her in the hospital, or was she just wishing he would? She was just glad she was going to live another day. Mondays were hell for sure.

Chapter 3

Holly had just gotten out of the shower. It had been too long of a day, and she was exhausted. Everyone had heard of the incident and had come to check on her. Faith had stopped by the hospital as soon as Noah gave the all-clear. She wanted to see for herself that Holly was unhurt. Holly had assured her sister she didn’t even need stitches. The cut stung, but it would heal in days.

Faith had wanted to postpone the family dinner until Holly felt better, but Holly insisted she wanted to have dinner with them. It would make her feel better to be around her family. The day had been rotten from breakfast to getting taken hostage and she wanted it to end on a nice note, and being with her sister would do that.

She dressed casually in jeans and a blue sweater. The evening April air was cool and breezy. Holly pulled into her sister’s driveway. The Blake house was a large, white house with a big porch that had once belonged to Adam’s parents. Adam Blake was Faith’s husband and the middle brother. All three Blake brothers had once lived there. Noah, the oldest, had moved out when he married Alana Garcia a few years back. When Faith married Adam, she had moved in. Liam, the youngest Blake, also lived there. He was an emergency medical technician, and Holly was very close with him. He had become like a brother to her. He had a wicked sense of humor and she loved hanging out with him.

She knocked on the wooden door, and it was opened by Liam, who pulled her in and looked at the white bandage on her neck. He hugged her tightly before letting her go. “Exciting day at work?”

“You have no idea.” She grinned. She heard the TV on in the living room. Hope,

her niece, heard her voice.

“Aunt Holly!”

She held her arms out, indicating she wanted to be picked up. Holly picked her up and twirled her around in a circle, making the little girl giggle. “Where is your mommy? I am starving.”

Faith came out of the kitchen with her husband Adam. She looked a little pale, and Holly set Hope back down on the floor, immediately concerned. Was her sister sick? Was that what all of this was for? Her heart sank.

“You okay, sis?” Holly asked, walking closer to her. Faith smiled and nodded. She walked toward Holly and hugged her. “I should be asking you that question. Who knew nursing could be such dangerous work? I always worried when you worked at the bar, but I never worried about the hospital.”

Holly laughed. “The hospital is the best place for getting hurt. I had special care and lots of sympathy. It’s just a scratch. Doc was worried I would get an infection from the dirty knife. He gave me a shot and I almost fainted from that.”

Faith laughed. She knew her sister was afraid of needles, but she worked with them every day.

Adam, Faith’s husband, greeted her with a hug. “Heard about your excitement. Noah is pissed at Pete. He is a known addict, but he has never done anything like this before.”

They sat around the dining room table and Holly helped Faith bring the food to the table.

“Meatloaf!” Holly sniffed the pan of meat. She gave her sister a happy smile. “I love meatloaf.”

They sat down and ate dinner, keeping the conversation casual. Holly enjoyed these times with her family. After having such a rough childhood with Rebecca and her constant revolving door of men, Holly had shied away from making friends in school. It had been too embarrassing to explain her mother’s drunk episodes and strange men coming in and out. She had always been frightened of some of her mother’s men, and had learned to stay quiet.

It had always been just her and Faith, until Faith met and fell in love with Adam Blake, a firefighter. The Blakes always included Holly in their family activities, and it made her feel like she finally had a family where she could belong.

Once Hope finished her supper and went to finish watching her cartoon, Liam brought up what happened at the hospital. “I heard Dr. Campbell is demanding the board hire a security guard just for the ER. I hope the board approves it.”

“That is a good idea,” Holly agreed. “I would feel better. Last week, we took care of some men hurt in a bar fight, and they continued their fight while we were trying to patch them up. They fell into one of the night nurses and she scraped her arm on the table. Things like that are happening more and more.”

Adam shook his head with concern. “I hope they do hire a few guards. Our town is growing. Plus, I know George Henderson sits by the front doors and keeps an eye on that area and the parking lot. He has been there for years, and he is getting on in age.”

“Besides, he can’t watch the whole hospital by himself,” Liam added. “I have had to break up a few fights while I was there myself. It gets old after a while. I am no bouncer.”

Once they were all done eating, Holly looked at her sister. “So, you have me very curious. What is this news you want to share? It can’t be anything horrible, or you would have told me already.”

Faith smiled, grabbing her husband’s hand. Adam puffed his chest out, looking pleased. “It’s good news. In seven months, you are going to be an aunt again.”

Holly looked at her sister with shock, then happiness. She shrieked with joy and got up to hug her sister. “Congratulations, both of you! I can’t wait.”

She hugged Adam next, who looked so happy. Faith had always said Adam wanted a large family. It had been Faith who had hesitated. “I’m nine weeks along, which is why I have been feeling so sick lately. I thought it was a simple cold or my allergies acting up.”

Holly sat back down. “Have you seen a doctor? Are you okay?”

Faith nodded and held her husband’s hand. “Yes. Everything is fine, and I have my vitamins. I am just tired all the time. I had a fainting spell at work.”

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024