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Here Without You (Red Hook 4)

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“Someone cut my lines going to the spark plugs. I parked in the back because we were expecting a furniture delivery later. Drake is on his way here.”

“Drake thinks it was Pete or Gerald, doesn’t he?” Holly bit her lip. She didn’t feel like eating anymore. Just when she thought she was safe from those two. Why were they so determined to mess with her? She hadn’t asked to be taken hostage.

Jasmine nodded and grabbed Holly’s hand in a comforting gesture. It was obvious Holly was very disturbed by the news. “He does. No one else has a reason to mess with me.”

Holly felt guilty that Jasmine was a target now just because of her association with Holly. “I am sorry, Jazz. This is all my fault.”

“Nonsense,” Jasmine insisted. She grabbed some rice and beans and put it on her plate. “It’s those jerks. No one forced Pete to steal drugs and take you hostage, and no one forced Gerald to be an ass and try to mess with you.”

“She is right,” Alicia added. “This is all on them, Holly. They are the losers. Noah has been trying to stop Gerald from selling his drugs for some time now.”

Drake and Matt walked in the restaurant a few minutes later. They took off their raincoats and hung them by the door. Holly’s eyes landed on Matt. He looked upset and she figured his concern was all for Jasmine. Instead, he sat right next to her. His hair was still wet. He moved her bangs out of the way so he could look into her eyes. “I don’t want you to worry, Holly. We are all looking for Pete and Gerald. It’s our top priority.”

Drake kissed Jasmine on the lips. “Your car will be ready tomorrow morning. You can stay with me tonight.”

Jasmine leaned her head on his shoulder. “Okay. Aunt Kate has bingo tonight and won’t mind me being in town. She can sleep late and I’ll open the store.”

“I feel horrible, Jazz.” Holly frowned. “Gerald thinks you’re

my lawyer. Maybe that’s why he is targeting you.”

“What?” Drake said, his brown eyes wide.

Jasmine laughed and told them about their run-in with Gerald at the park, and how she told him she was Holly’s lawyer. “If he saw me going into the shop, he must know I was lying.”

“He might be a bit upset with you,” Matt remarked, shaking his head at Jasmine, and then chuckled. “Although you sure can argue like a lawyer.”

“Tell me about it,” Drake teased. Jasmine smacked his arm lightly.

“I shared our news with the girls,” Jasmine told him, looking extremely happy.

Matt groaned. He slapped his forehead playfully. “Tell me again why you want a noose around your neck?”

Drake laughed and hugged Jasmine to his side. “I don’t want my girl to get away, so the noose is around her neck.”

Holly had to swallow down some emotions. If only Matt felt that way about her. Drake’s eyes were shining with joy.

Drake looked at Holly. “You working today?”

She shook her head no. “I went to Faith’s this morning to help her clean and take care of Holly. This pregnancy is kicking her butt. I have to work tomorrow evening.”

“I’ll meet you at the end of your shift and make sure you get home safely,” Matt told her. She opened her mouth to argue, but he pointed his finger at her. “No arguing allowed, Holly. I was serious when I said I wouldn’t let them hurt you.”

She closed her mouth and bit into a taco. He grabbed one and started eating. Alicia smirked at her silently and Holly felt herself blushing again. His demanding, bossy way should’ve made her angry. So why did she feel so turned-on right now?

Chapter 8

Holly sat on her couch, feeling sleepy. The sound of the rain hitting the windows was making her eyes feel droopy. This was the third rainy day in a row. She had just got off of work, and it was just after midnight.

Matt had been showing up at the end of her shift and walking her to her car for the last couple of days, and he would follow her home and check her windows and doors. Every chance he got, he touched her in some small way. He caressed her cheek, kissed her forehead or tugged on her curls playfully. It was driving her insane. She wanted him so bad that she was ready to attack him and rip his clothes off. It confused her. Her anger and bitterness was slowly fading away.

He’d said he would come back with a pizza tonight when his shift ended, and she had nodded and agreed to wait up for him instead of arguing. She was beginning to look forward to seeing him. She had no idea where any of this was going, but she was tired of battling herself. She wanted Matt and he wanted her. Maybe he didn’t return her love, but as Alicia had told her days ago, she had to take a risk. It was possible his feelings could grow in time. Alicia reminded Holly how Alana and Noah had had such a rocky road, and Faith and Adam, too. Sometimes it took time for love to grow. Just because hers had been instant didn’t mean it was impossible for him to learn to love her.

Before she knew it, her eyes were closed and she was drifting off, thinking of a certain sexy deputy.

Suddenly, she felt a hand over her mouth. Her eyes jumped open and she tried to scream, but she couldn’t. Pete was sitting on top of her, grinning. He smelled like beer and his eyes were glassy.

“We meet again, my sweet nurse.” His face was close to hers and she could smell the alcohol. She wanted to gag.

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