Here Without You (Red Hook 4) - Page 24

They jumped out, and Matt and Jack ran around the back while Drake and Tony took the front. Matt saw the shadow as soon as he turned the corner. “Right there by the fence.”

Jack went to the right and Matt went to the left. They jumped him and knocked him to the ground. He struggled, but Matt had him in a headlock. He was dressed all in black.

“Let me go, fucker!” the hooded man yelled. Jack took his hood down and Matt’s eyes widened. It was not Gerald.

“Who are you?” Matt growled. “And why are you messing with my girlfriend?”

“Yours? I think not. Gerald wants her, and he will get her.” He laughed. Matt could see he was as high as a kite. He handcuffed him and left him on the ground.

Drake came around the corner. “Tony is in the house with the girls. Is it Gerald?”

“One of his drug buddies,” Jack said with disgust, looking down at the hooded figure thrashing around on the ground.

“Shit. I was hoping we had Gerald.” Drake frowned. He pulled out his cell phone and called Noah.

“Yeah, we’ll lock his ass up,” Drake said into the phone and hung up.

Matt picked him up. “You will be spending some time in a jail cell, buddy.”

“That’s okay. Gerald and his friend are taking over Red Hook, so enjoy your freedom while you can. And that sweet nurse will be his main bitch,” he spit out. Matt handed him to Drake to put in the car before he punched him. “Gerald has friends in high places.” The man laughed.

“Shut up. You’re giving me a headache.” Drake shook him, dragging him away.

“What was that all about?” Jack asked.

Matt shrugged, heading to the front to see Holly. “I say we need to find out who Gerald’s friends are.”

Jack nodded. “I hate drugs. This town doesn’t need that shit. I have a teenage daughter and I’d kick Gerald’s ass if he even approached her.”

“I would let you.” Matt sighed. He walked up Holly’s front porch steps, and she threw herself at him as soon as she spotted him. It felt so good to wrap his arms around her, to hold her and be the one comforting her. Damn. He wanted to tear that punk apart and find out where Gerald was hiding. “You okay, doll?”

She nodded. “I am now that you’re here, Matt. I am pissed, though. Gerald threw a brick through my window.”

“It wasn’t Gerald. It was one of his drug buddies.” Matt walked to the kitchen and picked it up. He turned it over to where it was painted with white paint. “It says ‘I’m coming for you, bitch.’ How original.”

Jasmine put her hand on her hip, looking upset. “That rat bastard. How dare he threaten Holly.”

Matt looked at Tony, who was hugging Alicia and caressing her hair. Matt put the brick on the counter. He would take it to Noah later. They already knew who threw it in the house. He looked at Holly. “Grab some clothes. You’re staying with me. I don’t trust Gerald not coming by here.”

Holly nodded, looking pale and headed to her room. “I am going to call Faith before she hears it through gossip.”

“I am driving Alicia home,” Tony said. “I’ll be home later.”

The rest of them left, too, and the house was quiet again. Matt waited on Holly. She came out of her room with a duffel bag. “Faith is so upset. I hate it, Matt. She doesn’t need this right now.”

“I know, doll. Adam will comfort her, and tomorrow you can spend the day with her.”

Matt drove silently to his house with Holly. They lived on the outskirt of town. Neither one of them liked their neighbors being too close nor the loud noises that came with living in town. The dirt road leading to his home was a little bumpy, but he didn’t mind. His truck could handle the rough terrain.

Holly scooted close to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I am so happy you are in my life again. I can’t imagine going through this all by myself.”

“You will never be alone again, Holly,” he promised, pulling to the front of his house. The house had been rundown, but it had been good therapy for them to remodel it to their taste.

“Wow, Matt. You have a huge porch. That is so awesome!” She got out of his truck and he took her bag for her. He walked up the stairs with her and unlocked the wooden front door. He put a code in the alarm on the wall and shut the door.

“All safe and sound.”

“I like it how the house turned out. We sit on the porch as the sun rises. We have no neighbors nearby so it is very peaceful.” He led her in to the living room.

Tags: Lee Rose Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024